{.𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮.} 𝓹𝓽. 2

433 4 16

Keefe's POV

Keefe could absolutely, positively not believe that he'd just did that. I mean, he was sure that a girl as hot as that would definitely stand him up. And yet, he still buttoned up his shirt, put his best pair of jeans and vans on, then hopped in his Mercedes and drove to the beach.

There, the girl was already there. She had gorgeous wavy blonde locks, honey brown eyes, a rosebud mouth, (not that he studied it), and she wore a navy-blue crop top and black skirt with black flip-flops.

"Hey there!" he said, sounding confident on the outside with a smirk while on the inside he was mentally panicking.

Just be cool, be cool, BE COOL, Keefe willed himself.

The girl just smiled. God, how he could get lost in that smile.

"So, have you brought me here just to bring me here?" the girl was saying. "Or did you have an actual reason?"

"Well, your cute," Keefe tried to flirt, and felt a pang of satisfaction when the girl blushed deep red. "But I also wanted to get to know you better. Soooo.."

He ran, which was pretty fast thanks to how athletic he was, and scooped the small girl up into his arms. The girl squealed.

"Put me down!" she cried.

Keefe just grinned. "No can do," he said. "At least, not until now."

He was thigh-deep in the water when he finally dropped her into the water and ran back to land, laughing his head off.

Once the girl had resurfaced, she looked about ready to kill him. "Keefe. I. Will. Sneak. A. Knife. Into. Your. Bed," she threatened. "Keep one eye open when you sleep tonight."

Keefe gulped. Maybe angering this girl wasn't the best idea.

But then she laughed and a smile graced her lips. "You probably don't even know my name. I'm Sophie. Sophie Foster."

Keefe smiled. "Nice to meet ya, Foster," he said with an overly-dramatic bow.

Foster cracked a smile and got out of the water and ran up to him. "I better be going now. See you soon, I hope."

She kissed him on the cheek, then, and left.

Even after five minutes after Sophie was most likely long gone, Keefe stayed rooted in place, his hand touching the part of his cheek that her lips had grazed. He grinned. Maybe he really could get used to this girl.

416 words! So sorry I haven't updated for so long, you know, with school and whatnot. I promise I'll try to be better but I'm also currently working on another story. Happy reading!


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