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Human AU!

Sophie POV

I sighed as Biana continued to rummage through my closet, somehow finding at least ten different bathing suits that I swear to God weren't there before.

"How about this one?" Biana asked, pulling out another highly revealing two piece that I swear wouldn't even cover my, erm, chest AT ALL.

"Hell no, Biana!" I shrieked, throwing the bikini across the room. "Just let me wear the one piece!"

The one piece that I was talking about was actually really cute, a bright red color with criss-cross straps in the back and just a little revealing in the front, plus some cute ribbons on the sides at the bottom. It was exactly my type! (Plus I'm pretty sure Biana thinks it looks good on me, but she wants me to wear something, ahem, sexy).

"C'mon, Soph, don't you want to impress Keefe?" Marella asked, who was also in the room with me. She was wearing an orange and yellow two-piece that was very revealing, and I'm pretty sure I caught Linh staring at her at least five times, who was wearing a silver one piece that matched her eyes and revealed pretty much her entire back.

"I'm with Sophie, for the record," Linh commented. "Didnt Keefe say on their 1 year Anniversary that she would literally look good in everything? Specifically a garbage bag?"

I blushed, but made sure my voice was steady when I said, "Yeah! Besides, who cares if I dress up anyway?"

"Us," Marella and Biana responded.

Linh and I rolled our eyes then giggled at each other. "Whatever," Linh said.

I grinned at Linh and we high-fived. When I was younger and still believed in the puppy-love that I used to have for Fitz, (now I look back and cringe), I was always jealous of Linh. But now that I'm over him we've become best friends.

After about 20 minutes of us still fighting about my bathing suit and the guys grumbling outside about how girls take forever or something, Biana and Marella finally let me wear the red one piece.

"Behold!" Biana threw her hands out dramatically as she stepped onto the sandy beach. "It's moi!"

Most of us snickered but I caught Tam out of the corner of my eye with blazing red cheeks as he tried to not-so-subtly check my bestie out. I smirked, not being as oblivious as i used to be. They were perfect for each other.

I gazed around, glancing at everyone's swimsuits. Tam was wearing trunks the same color as Linh's bathing suit with white lines going across it. Fitz was wearing teal and gold swim trunks with a white undershirt and Dex was wearing navy blue trunks with lines going straight across it. Lastly, Keefe was wearing red swim trunks that were kind of like an ombré, fading from plain red to dark maroon.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I squeaked in surprise.

"Keefe!" I giggled.

"Foster!" he replied, lifting me up and twirling me around. "You look really drop-dead gorgeous today," Keefe murmured into my ear as he set me down.

"Thanks," I said, blushing. "You look pretty handsome yourself, you know."

"Oh really?"

"Don't get too cocky, Sencen." My arms were around his neck and his wrapped around my waist.

"Resorting to last names, hmm, Foster?"

"Yep." Our noses touched, our lips a hair apart.

"I haven't seen you in a while."

"Should've visited me then."


Our lips touched in a soft, gentle kiss. Fireworks erupted inside of me as he tilted my head to deepen it. I haven't seen him in a while since I've been in college at Yale and he Oxford. I could tell that Keefe had missed me too, maybe even as much as I'd missed him.

"Alright, alright, break it up lovebirds!" Dex shouted, making everyone else around us laugh.

"Hey, I haven't seen my girlfriend in, like, 4 months!" Keefe yelled back at Dex, still not removing his arms from around me.

"That's not my problem!" Dex yelled back, and dumped a bucket of ice-cold water on our heads.

"Oh that's it!" I yelled, running over to Tam, Biana, Linh, and Marella. "You're going down!"

Keefe ran over to our side and the six of us grabbed these massive water guns and started filling them with ocean water.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Fitz complained, who was on Dex's team.

"Tell that to your boyfriend!" Biana shouted at him.

Tam and Marella were just watching with glee at the cousin-rivalry and sibling-rivalry.

"On the count of three," Linh said, who could actually get really competetive. "One, two, THREE!"

With a battle cry, we all charged forward to a screaming Fitz and a Dex that looked pretty close to tears, practically drowning them in the salty and ice-cold sea water.

"Okay, okay, Sokeefe for the win," Dex grumbled when we wouldn't give them towels. "Now give me my towel! I'm freezing over here!"

Keefe, Tam, Linh, Marella, Biana, and even Fitz and I all glanced at each other and laughed, so hard that Marella was rolling in the sand.

Dex glared at us. "What's so funny?"

Biana smiled. "Oh nothing, Deck." We all laughed some more.

"Now this is just bullying," Dex grumbled. "Some friends you are."

Keefe, still laughing, swung his arm around Dex's shoulder, to which Dex blushed and scowled at him. "Don't worry, Deck. We've got you covered."

Dex smiled. "Alright, fine, I forgive you guys. But I still stand by my words. Sokeefe for the win!"

Everyone else chorused the thought, except for Fitz and his new girlfriend Chandi Leir, who I hadn't even noticed until now.

But that was okay, because one glance at Keefe told me it would be.

"Yeah," Keefe said, intertwining our fingers, "Sokeefe definitely for the win."

955 words! I'm so proud of myself for updating 🎉🎉! Also, happy birthday to me :) (it was June 28th,) i love you guys so so much! 💗 Happy early 4th of July,


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