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It was Sophie Foster's eighteenth birthday, and she was spending it sulking around in her room at Havenfield. Sure, she loved the Lost Cities, but since everyone had infinite years to live, it meant that birthdays didn't matter. Not even one as important as eighteen, where you were officially a "young adult".

No one knew about her birthday, April 14th, so she would just have to deal with it. Maybe she could bake some mallowmelt as her cake and present?

A knock at her bedroom door startled away her thoughts. She groaned in annoyance, wanting to be alone so she could spend her forgotten-birthday in peace, or rather, sulkiness.

"Who's there?" she asked.

"Guess," replied a very familiar, deep voice.


Keefe's laugh rang through the house, making Sophie's lips twitch up but not enough for her to form a smile. He opened the door and entered her room, then did a double-take at the current state of her room.

In her anger and frustration of her whole birthday thing, she had completely trashed her room. Clothes were strewn all over the place, accessories were littered everywhere, and objects were either smashed to pieces or thrown onto the floor.

"Is this your..coping method for stuff?" Keefe finally peeped.

"Yes," Sophie said, irritation clear in her voice. "What do you want?"

Keefe mock-pouted. "What, your boyfriend can't come visit you?"

Normally, she would have blushed, but instead Sophie settled on giving him an icy glare, signaling for him to get on with it because I'm not in the mood.

"Okay, okay," he said. "We have a surprise waiting for you downstairs."

Finally, Sophie's interest was piqued. "A surprise? For me? And who's 'we'?"

Keefe smirked. "You'll see. Come on, Foster, let's go!"

He started tugging at her arm like an overexcited child, and she couldn't help but giggle at it, even if she still didn't smile. She let him lead her out of her room, down the hallway, and downstairs, where the lights were completely off and it was dark as night.

"Uh, Keefe, there's nothing here—"

"SURPRISE!" was yelled by at least 30 people.

The lights were flicked back on by Keefe, which revealed all of her friends, some adults, and others that had party hats on. In the corner was a mountain of presents and a beautiful ice-blue cake sat on the countertop. Sophie's eyes welled up in gratitude and happiness.

"Y-You did this all for me?" she choked out, holding her hand against her heart.

"Yep!" said Biana, her best friend. "Now go blow out your candles! They're about to fizzle out anyway."

After blowing out the candles and opening presents, (to which everyone argued whose she should open first), it was finally just Sophie and Keefe. He hadn't gotten her a gift and she tried not to be bothered by it.

"Well?" she said. "Aren't you leaving?"

Keefe smirked. "Nope. Besides, how could I leave without giving the Amazing Lady Foss-Boss her present?"

Sophie blushed. "You got me a present after all?"

He pretended to be wounded. "You really thought that I hadn't gotten you something? Well, that's about to change. Come on, Foster!"

Keefe grabbed her wrist gently and practically dragged her across Havenfield's pastures and fields into the woods, where they walked for about an hour or so.

"Are we there yet?" Sophie whined for probably the fifteenth time.

"Now we are," Keefe said, pulling back a curtain of moss to expose a gorgeous meadow, with fields of all different kinds of flowers that seemed to go on forever, butterflies and caterpillars fluttering about, and a blanket with a picnic basket in the center.

"Aww, Keefe, this is amazing!" Sophie cooed, making Keefe blush light pink. "Thank you."

She let Keefe wrap his arms around her waist and spin her around, which she delightedly squealed and giggled to. Finally, he picked her up by her thighs and brought her over to the blanket.

Sophie smiled contentedly when her boyfriend's hands didn't do anything dirty. He always knew how to comfort her. 

They ate all kinds of food, such as ripplepuffs and mallowmelt, (which reminded her that the mallowmelt she had been going to eat was probably melted by now), but she didn't care.

All she cared about was her lovely boyfriend beside her.

As she finished off her last piece of mallowmelt, she caught Keefe admiring her with a smile on his face. She blushed and became self-conscious, patting at her face.

"Is there crumbs on me?" Sophie asked.

Keefe shook his head softly. "No, it's just that, well, you look beautiful."

Sophie blushed, leaning in to kiss her boyfriend.

The familiar fireworks erupted when their lips met, which happened everytime they kissed.

Sophie doubted she would ever get tired of the feeling as they pulled away, her head on Keefe's shoulder.

"Thank you. For remembering," she told him.

"Of course," he said. "You're my Foster. I'll always remember. Only for you."

817 words! 👏 I DONT CARE IF U DIDNT LIKE IT, BECAUSE I LOVED THIS ONESHOT. Ahem, sorry. Anyways, remember to comment your ideas or thoughts. It helps a lot!

Happy Reading,


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