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Before I start this oneshot, lemme just say that I really appreciate all of your ideas and will try to incorporate at least most of them into these oneshot books! I really liked all of them and I think that you all have great ideas! Apologies if I dont use your idea. This one is dedicated to RvandRV1234586 so please enjoy! Happy Reading,



Keefe's POV

I tossed and turned in bed, mumbling to myself occasionally. I had had a long day, pulling at least 20 pranks on unsuspecting Foxfire students and earning myself detention for the next 3 weeks while also getting Foster in trouble as well. I chuckled to myself silently in my sleep. I didn't regret it one bit.

Now, I'm sure you're confused. 'Keefe, what are you doing? Aren't you sleeping?' Well, yes, I am. But it's more so the kind of the sleep that you get to reflect on your day. Soon enough, the blackness faded into a memory of Foster and I, during a battle with the Neverseen.

"How are you holding out, Keefe?" Foster asked me, back-to-back, as we fended off Neverseen members left and right.

I smirked, "I'm doing pretty good, though not as pretty as you look right now."

Foster scowled, but i could tell and see a bright red blush was appearing on her tan cheeks. "Stop flirting for once Keefe and focus!"

"Sorry, but no can do."

I picked her up so that she was upside-down and began to gently swing her around, though fast enough that she hit all of the Neverseen members and caused them to stagger backwards.

I let her go, propping her up on her own two feet and handing her back her dagger, which she'd told me she'd named 'Hope'.

"Keefe. Sencen.," she said dangerously, glaring daggers at me while fighting the Neverseen at the same time. "Never, ever, ever, and I mean NEVER do that again mister!"

I gulped. "Yes ma'am."

If only looks could kill.

We continued fighting the Neverseen, flirting and joking around while doing so. I could see Biana facepalming out of the corner of my eye and Dexy-wexy-poo rolling his eyes, but I didn't really care.

"KEEFE! Watch out!" Foster shrieked but it was too late for me to move.

So she did the last thing that she could to save me.

She shoved me out of the way and let the dagger plunge right into her abdomen.

I could hear her bloodcurdling and terrorizing screams, but I just stood there, frozen.

Two and a half minutes later, Sophie Elizabeth Foster was dead.

And it was all my fault.

I shot straight up in bed, almost choking on my tears that were running down my face in huge rivers. I jumped out of bed, kicking the covers off, and quickly threw on my cape and shoes.

I didn't even bother to be quiet, and besides, Daddy Dearest was a deep sleeper and Ro probably already suspected where i was going.

I quietly opened the door to Daddy Dearest's room and grabbed his pathfinder, turning the crystal so that I'd arrive at Foster's house.

I had to make sure that she was okay. That she was alive.

Ro and I glittered onto Havenfield's pastures and I ran into the house and bounded up the stairs, not really caring that it was probably 1 a.m. in the morning right now.

I ran straight into Foster's room, (which probably went against all mentions of privacy, but whatever), and immediately looked towards her bed.

Relief flooded into me when I saw her peacefully sleeping form, and i let out a sigh.

Before I could tell Ro to start heading back, Foster's head snapped up and she yawned, rubbing her left eye with one hand.

"What are you doing here Keefe?" she asked, her emotions curious and annoyed, but there was something else too.

Something that I couldn't explain.

She stared at me expectantly and I remembered that she'd asked me a question.

"Right, uh"—I scrambled for an answer, racking my brain—"Fine. I had a nightmare."

Foster's gaze softened and scooted over and patted the spot beside her.

I immediately sat down and she grabbed one of my hands, squeezing it reassuringly. Out of nowhere, I started to silently sob, telling her everything to the last detail.

"Oh Keefe," she whispered and her eyes started to water too.

I nuzzled my head into her neck and Foster wrapped her arms around me, whispering words of comfort occasionally as I cried my broken-little heart out.

Eventually, the sobbing faded into sniffles and the sniffles faded into red, puffy eyes. I pulled away, linking our hands together.

"I'll always be here Keefe," Foster said, swiftly kissing me on my cheek.

I smiled. "Same here, Foster. Same here."

817 words! 🌸 So sorry for the short oneshot! 😢🥺 This wasn't one of my best oneshots (though I think that about every oneshot I make lol) But I thought it really depicted Sophie and Keefe's friendship even before dating or having an actual relationship with each other. 😊 Anyways, hope you enjoyed! 🥰🎉 Happy Reading,


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