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updated: december 12, 2023

ok now i'm actually finished with this oneshot book lol 🤪. the only thing i will be doing now is rewriting things. but there are some people who deserve some credit so here we go!

@gracedolphin26, thank you for being my very first commenter! it means so much to me that i can't even express it. and yes, i also love the Hot Chocolate parts!

@KOTLCFanfiction101, thank you for always making me laugh! i will forever laugh at your jokes.

@Urlocalpjofan715, thank you for commenting on my stories and all of your 'awws'! also, ily and your user!

@ _OlympianGoddess_, thank you for your comments! they were all very funny and hopefully i will see more of them in my other stories!

@MAXandMER37, gosh..where to start? first, i'd like to thank you for always being the first to comment on any of my stories! secondly, i really appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm, (plus your awesome comments.) overall, i really enjoy chatting with you in the comments of my stories and hope to see more of your comments from now on!!

@UrFavDeluluFanGirl, thank you for every keefe comment you commented! i laughed so hard at keef 'reporting and bullying sophitz shippers' that I spit out my chocolate milk all over my bedroom floor. it was worth it lol!

@RvandRV1234586, thank you for your wonderful ideas! i wish i could use them all, but sadly i'm too busy with my other stories to continue this oneshot book. also, thanks for your reaction when i left you with a cliffhanger lmao!

@NavdeepGupta8, tysm for your brilliant ideas! i really liked the group sleepover one lol.

@Greenbean_123ean, thanks so much for your ideas and comments! they really helped me become a better writer and pay more attention to detail.

and lastly, one big huge shoutout to everyone who's read this! i appreciate all of you readers who somehow took the time to read this oneshots! ily all sooooo much <3

happy reading,


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