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Sophie POV

She and Keefe looked at each other and both had to stifle a smile and a laugh as they both quickly pretended to be asleep, steadying their breathing. Keefe's arms were around her waist and her head was tucked into his neck. Three different female voices belonging to their three daughters and babbling coming from their son could be heard from outside of their bedroom door.

"Shh, Calla!" Ella, their eldest daughter, quickly shushed their youngest daughter.


"You have to be quiet so we don't wake Mom and Dad up," Rose, their middle daughter and quietest daughter, said so quietly that they almost didn't hear her.

"Fine, fine," Calla huffed, and they could just imagine her chubby little arms crossing over her little chest.

A pause. Then, "What are we doing again?"

Ella let out a quiet groan, "Today is July 23rd, which Mom told us was National Parents Day in the Human Cities, remember? Or are you forgetting that like you just so happen to forget your English homework all the time!"

Rose sighed and quickly ended the argument, "Guys, let's let them sleep in. Besides, if Calla hasn't given us away yet, then Kenny surely will."

As if on cue, Kenric Jr. let out a particularly loud 'Mommy!' at that exact moment. He began to cry, loud wails echoing off of the pristine walls.

"Okay, okay, shhh!" Rose quickly hushed him, and a sound like a thumb being sucked could be heard as Kenric Jr.'s crying quieted into small sniffles.

As their children continued to debate outside, Sophie opened her eyes and quickly shook her husband. He popped open one eye as she began to transmit telepathically to him.

Sophie - Italics

Keefe - Bold

Wanna scare them?

Oooo, is Foster finally having some fun now?

Sophie slapped his arm as quietly and as hard as she could, which was pretty quiet and quite hard. Keefe swallowed an "Ow!" as he thought,

Okay, okay, so how do you plan we do this?

Sophie shrugged, I figured we could just go into the closet quietly, grab those creepy masks that my sister gave us, and just all of a sudden open the door and scream or something.

Keefe grinned, Sounds like a plan. I'll grab the masks and you wait by the door, k?

Sophie nodded, giving them the all clear. They quickly got out of bed, giving the impression to the girls that they were starting to wake up.

"Shut up, shut up!" Ella could be heard saying to her sisters, not even bothering to stay quiet now. "I think they're waking up!"

"Nooooo, they're falling asleep," Calla replied sarcastically, still mad at getting shushed by her older sister. "And isn't that good for us?"

"Not really, if they catch us here and find out that we've woken up Kenny and stole E.L. Fudges from the cookie jar," Rose told them.

Keefe stopped abruptly and started to open his mouth, but shook his head with a small smile and handed a creepy Scream mask to Sophie and put on a dead zombie mask for himself.

Sophie transmitted, her eyes locked with Keefe's, On the count of three.




Keefe swung open the door and they both screamed at their children, scaring everyone except for their son and Rose. Calla and Ella screamed and jumped away, Calla landing with a THUMP! on her butt and Ella summoned balls of different colored lights around her on accident as she continued to scream.

Rose, looking with an amused expression at her parents, said, "You're not fooling anyone except them with your Batman t-shirt, Dad."

Sophie glanced at Keefe's shirt, and, sure enough, there was the Batman logo. She slapped his arm. "Why didn't you change shirts, idiot!" Her voice was weirdly distorted and echoey because of the mask and made Ella and Calla scream even louder, who were still going.

Keefe shrugged. "You didn't tell me to!" He took his mask off and shook his hair out.

Sophie took her mask off and sighed, winking at Rose. "Not gonna lie, I knew i wasn't going to get you two. Your sisters, on the other hand..."

Rose smiled in agreement while Kenric Jr. reached out for Sophie, who picked him up and balanced him on her hip.

"Um, are the girls okay?" Keefe asked, becoming slightly concerned.

Sophie laughed, "They'll be fine, but you should probably ask them themselves that."

She nodded at the girls, where Ella was staring at them wide-eyed and Calla looked close to tears.

"That wasn't funny!" Calla protested, getting up from the floor. "That was mean!"

"It wasn't mean, and it was too funny to see your reactions," Rose smirked, high-fiving Sophie.

"Wait a minute," Ella said, putting two and two together, while Calla and Keefe stared confusedly at Sophie and Rose, "You were in on it this whole time?!"

"Yep," Sophie answered for her. She leaned in close to the girls and whispered, "Get. Jumpscared."

Keefe whistled as Sophie set Kenric Jr. down and let the girls go, leaving just the two of them in the now empty hallway. "That was hot, Foster. You should do that more often."

Sophie rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around Keefe's neck. "You got tricked too, you know."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her lips softly. The kiss soon became fervent and rough, and Sophie soon found her back pressed against the wall, Keefe's hands on either side of her, their tongues fighting for control.

A fake gag sounded behind them, and Sophie pulled away to look at Ella and Calla staring at them in disgust, Kenric Jr. sleeping softly against Ella's chest.

"Well, I was going to put Kenny to bed," Ella said, her face scrunched up in disgust, "but now I think that I'm going to go to the bathroom and throw up my insides at the sight of that."

Calla whined, "You think that's bad?! I have a photographic memory! And I wanted to eat Hot Cheetos!"

Sophie laughed, arms still wrapped around her lovely husband's neck as she turned back to stare into his striking ice-blue eyes that she could get lost in.

"Isnt our family just the best?"

"Yeah, Foster. Our family is the best."

1035 words! 🎉 Thank you for reading! 😊 So sorry for not updating in a while, I promise I'll update another tomorrow, since I'm not doing anything (finally). Hope you enjoyed! Happy Reading,


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