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Sophie's POV

She and Biana stood back-to-back, Sophie holding a golden staff and Biana two daggers.

Sophie smirked. "Ready for some fun?"

Biana laughed lightly. "I thought you'd never ask."

They locked eyes. "Three."



They charged forward, Sophie muttering incoherent words underneath her breath and summoning golden light, hitting Neverseen members back and forth with the light and her staff almost at the same time. Biana focused on stabbing them in places that would slow them down long enough but wouldn't actually kill them.

Now, you're probably wondering, where are the rest?

Elysian, the power source, was to thank for that. She sat in a floating throne, her hair flowing around her gently and white light surrounding her. A matching white forcefield surrounded Biana, Sophie, and Elysian.

Which also simultaneously locked everyone outside of the forcefield from coming in.

"Just give it up, Moonlark!" Elysian cackled. "If I'm working for the Neverseen, you're dead meat! Get it? GET IT?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I got it."

Biana panted, appearing at her side. "Soph, you know we're extremely outnumbered. It's two to four thousand. We can't win."

Sophie gritted her teeth and gripped her staff harder. "I. Refuse. To. LOSE!"

And she did. She refused to lose again, not again, not ever. She'd had enough of losing for a lifetime—and that was saying something, considering the elves' infinite lifespans.

But she also wanted a future.

A good future.

A good future for the little bean growing in her stomach.

Right now it was only the size of a blueberry.

But she knew that if she lost, her baby was lost too.

And Sophie wasn't about to let that happen.

So, with a bloodcurdling scream, Sophie slammed her staff on the ground length-wise, creating wave after wave of golden light with each slam.

It pushed the Neverseen members further and further back, and Elysian scowled.

"NO!" she screamed. "I'VE WORKED TOO HARD FOR THIS!"

But it was too late. The golden light reached Elysian's throne and the last thing anyone ever heard from her was 'I'll kill you, Moonlark.'

The light faded and Sophie gasped, suddenly extremely exhausted and deprived of air, struggling to breathe. The forcefield glittered away and all of their friends rushed in.

"Sophie, you did it!" Dex cheered, running over to her.

"You were okay Sophie, though not as amazing as I would have been," Fitz said, rolling his eyes at her struggling form as she leaned on Biana for support. "Just look at her! She's so weak it's not even funny! She should've just died!"

Grady growled and pulled out a spiky-baseball bat. "You wanna go, Pretty Boy?"

Fitz gulped. "N-No sir."

Keefe immediately grabbed Sophie from Biana, congratulating the latter and thanking her. He lead her away from everyone and she appreciated it.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, kneeling beside her and pressing a hand against her forehead. "Is our little bean okay?"

Sophie smiled slightly, then winced from the throbbing in her head. "I've been better. Is everyone else okay?"

"Yeah," Keefe told her. "We..we defeated my mom. And Ruy and Gethen. It was a little suspicious how easily we defeated them, honestly."

Sophie cupped his cheek with one hand and he leaned into her touch. "How are you handling about your mom? I know she was a monster, but I mean, she's still your mom."

"It's..hard," Keefe admitted, but then turned to her with a cheesy grin. "But I have you! And our little bean! And Fitzy to annoy when needed."

She laughed despite the pain.

They were going to be okay.

They had to be.

For their baby. Their friends. Their family. Heck, the entire Lost Cities.

The pair locked eyes, and they decided right then and there that they would be.

Because it wouldn't be easy.

But they would get through it.


625 words! 🎶💀 Ahh this is kinda cringey (in my opinion) but decided to publish it anyway- Um, so hoped you enjoyed..whatever this was lol.

Happy Reading,


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