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Just a quick a/n, this was inspired by another sokeefe oneshots fanfic by -reina, go check it out it's really good! anyway, I don't want anyone to think I copied or stole this so the credit goes entirely to her.

Happy reading,


Sophie's POV

It was a party at Foxfire for all graduating students in the Silver Elite Towers, which meant Sophie and her entire friend group was there. Unfortunately, they didn't have much time to party before they all started to get pulled away by other students for questions about how they defeated the Neverseen, who they're dating, sometimes the occasional I could have done better, etc.

Sophie scanned the room for her boyfriend, Fitz Vacker. The music had just started and he'd promised that she would be the first that he'd dance with. Finally, she spotted him in the midst of a crowd of girls, all giggling and fangirling over him. Despite his obvious discomfort, which they didn't notice, a girl went right up to him and started flirting with him.

Sophie decided that she'd better save her boyfriend before that girl could do anything. So, she stretched her mind out to his and spoke to him telepathically.

Having fun? she teased.

She saw him jump a little before relaxing. Sophie! Oh thank God, I was starting to think that this girl, her names Chandi Leir I guess, but anyway I was starting to think that she would never leave me alone! Please save me!

Sophie would have laughed out loud if not for how weird it would have been, since she was hiding in a corner all by herself. Alright, I'm coming, she told Fitz.

She began to weave in between students, making her way to her boyfriend. Eventually, she got to him and took his arm and hooked it with hers and leaned on his shoulder.

"Hi girls," she said in her most sweetest voice. "Do you mind if I take my boyfriend away from you?"

Most of the girls groaned at the fact that Fitz had a girlfriend and walked away, but Chandi stayed. "Who're you?" she asked rudely. She obviously had no idea who the great Sophie Foster was.

"Oh, I'm Sophie Foster," Sophie replied calmly. "Leader of the Black Swan, the Moonlark, defeater of the Neverseen, owner of five abilities. Do you want me to keep going?"

Chandi visibly shrunk but still kept her ground, although her voice trembled when she spoke. "No, I've heard enough. But I think Fitz deserves better, such as someone as amazing and rich as me."

"Well, then you can take that up with the matchmaking system, face my wrath, and be buried about 300 feet away and five feet deep. How does that sound?" Sophie still used her super-sweet voice, and she knew that it irritated Chandi more how calm she was.

"Ugh! Whatever," Chandi stalked away, probably to go gossip or flirt with another guy.

Fitz turned to Sophie with an amused smirk on his face. "Thanks. Shall we dance, m'lady?"

Sophie giggled. "We shall, good sir," she said and took his hand as he led her to the dance floor.

After about two or three songs, Fitz told her that he was going to get a drink.

In the meanwhile, Sophie found Dex and got to talking with him.

*** later ***

Most of the students were gone now, only about three or four other than Sophie's friend group.

Fitz was still dancing, although very drunkily. Sophie, Keefe, and Linh, who were probably the most responsible ones, hadn't had a single drink, (though Keefe it was more so because of painful memories).

"Come onnn, Sophhh," Fitz slurred. "Let's goooo back to Ever-len and..."

His voice faded, leaving Sophie to fill in the blanks.

"It's okay," said Linh, who was standing beside Sophie and had been amusedly watching drunk Fitz. "Keefe and I will watch the others, along with Dex, since he really only had one drink. We'll see you soon, Soph!"

Sophie smiled gratefully. "Thank you, and bye!"

She wrapped an arm around Fitz's shoulders and held his home crystal to the light, allowing them to get to Everglen at the speed of light. Sophie led her drunken boyfriend up the stairs and to his room like the good girlfriend she was. She made sure he was comfortable in bed, with some bottles of Youth on his nightstand, (for later hangover), and was about to leave when Fitz's arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back down.

"Stayy," he slurred.

Sophie blushed. "Fitz, what will our parents say?"

"I don't careee," Fitz whined. "Please, Soph?"

"Okay," she whispered and started to get comfortable to fall asleep when Fitz suddenly flipped her over.

*** mature content ahead, feel free to skip over ***

She stared at him in confusion and shock as he trailed kisses down her jawline to the corner of her neck, where her soft spot is. She realized that she'd made a mistake and had to go. Now.

"F-fitz, I should get going," she whimpered.

"Shh," he said and kissed her roughly. "It'll feel amazing, I promise."

Sophie's eyes widened and her legs locked in fear as she realized what Fitz was going to do to her. She was frozen. Couldn't move, talk, or anything. Not even blink as Fitz continued, taking her silence as permission.

He continued down to her chest, and when he got bored, he shimmied off her dress.

"It'll feel so good, so good Sophie," he whispered in her ear.

That was the last that she rationally remembered.

*** end of mature content ***

Sophie ran out of Everglen, tugging the sleeves of her dress up with silent tears streaming down her face like rivers. Sobs and choked whimpers erupted from her mouth as she held her home crystal to the early dawn light, praying that nobody will be home at Havenfield.

When she glittered onto the pastures, she would've breathed a sigh of relief if she hadn't been crying so hard. The door was locked and all of the lights were off, so Sophie shakily levitated to her balcony and tugged open her bathroom door, which she always left unlocked in case of emergency or she wanted to sneak away.

She collapsed on the bathroom floor, shuddering sobs racking her body as she closed her eyes. But she heaved herself up, knowing that if she didn't shower that the feeling of dirtiness and wrongness would stay with her until she'd scrubbed clean every part of her that Fitz had touched.

As she scrubbed ferociously, Sophie tried to convince herself that it wasn't Fitz's fault. He was drunk and intoxicated and would never do anything consciously to hurt me, she tried to convince herself.

It didn't work.

When she stepped out of the shower and finished drying her hair, she made sure that she had clothes at least three sizes too big. Eventually, Sophie pulled on a humongous hoodie and sweatpants with cozy socks and made her way to her bed, where she collapsed as sobs took over her body again.

If only she hadn't been so weak.

Frozen as he did this to her.

How could he do this to her?

Sophie's thoughts were racing as she tried to fall asleep only to find that she was too frightened and overwhelmed to do so.

Instead, she curled up into a little Sophie ball and cried her heart out.

1191 words.

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