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Warning!!: Extreme Fluff! Somewhat mature kissing, I guess.



Human AU

Sophie's POV

She fought the urge to sigh out of boredom as she turned the page of her Language Arts Textbook. Keefe, her boyfriend, had his head in her lap as he played with a red yo-yo she'd let him borrow.

"Fosssstttteeerrrr," he whined after a few more minutes of silence. "I'm boooorreeeedd."

"That's your problem, not mine," Sophie responded quickly, scanning the paragraph on the rules of metaphors she was reading.

Her cousin Dex had given her a hint that Miss Cadence would have metaphors on the test, so she wanted to make sure she gave the section extra attention.

Keefe's yo-yo smacked her right in the face.

"Keefe!" she said angrily, shoving him off of her. "What the hell was that for?"

Keefe shrugged innocently. "To get your attention," he replied. "And, would you look at that! It worked!"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "My attention your as—"

"Foster, Foster, Foster," Keefe tut-tutted his tongue as if he were a disappointed school teacher. "Haven't you ever been taught not to say naughty words? I think you need a punishment."

He leaned in so close, their noses were touching. Any thoughts that Sophie could have been having in that exact moment vanished, her mind turning to mush and her cheeks heating up at their close proximity.

Keefe leaned in even closer, so close that Sophie could practically feel his lips on hers, though they weren't.


He was teasing her, and they both knew it. Sophie began to grow impatient, and, not wanting to wait another second, pressed her lips against his.

It was soft and sweet at first, almost like they were getting to know each other despite having kissed fifty-million times before. It soon turned frenzied, hungry, hot, whatever you wanted to call it. Sophie, though not remembering them getting up from the floor and moving, suddenly had her back against the wall, held up by Keefe, his hands on her thighs.

The door swung open and someone squealed, then another deeper voice quickly shushed them.

The pair broke apart, staring into each other eyes in a silent staring contest. Sophie broke it, curiosity overtaking her as she glanced at the door. It was Biana and Tam, the latter having his hand over Biana's mouth as she seemed to be doing everything she could not to scream. Keefe set her down, and Sophie straightened her tunic and quickly brushed imaginary dust off of her leggings.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sophie asked, not even bothering to remove her arms from Keefe's neck as his wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. "I don't remember inviting you over."

Biana bit her lip to keep from squealing as she talked. "Yeah, but I realized that we haven't planned our double date yet so we came here and caught you guys making-out..Tammy, we're you taking notes?"

Tam blinked. "I was supposed to?"

Biana slapped his arm. "Yes, you dork!"

Tam shrugged. "Sorry, Your Highness," he said sarcastically. "I was too busy bleaching my eyes out from the sight of Keefe actually trying to kiss someone."

"Hey!" Keefe protested. "I'll have you know I'm a very good kisser. Right, Foster?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Sure, Keefe. Sure."

He mocked hurt and held a hand to his chest, dramatically swooning. "You wound me, Foster."

"Good," Sophie replied. "Someone has to lower that huge ego of yours."

Keefe gawked at her, his mouth open hilariously as Biana and Tam cracked up, falling over themselves in laughter.

Keefe quickly recovered, smirking. "It seems I've taught you well."

"Yeah," Sophie said, capturing his lips in a quick kiss before pulling away. "I guess you have."

626 words! 🥵 I know that this was a little weird, but I don't really care because I love sassy Sophie. Actually no, I STAN Feisty Foster. #FeistyFoster in the comments if you agree with me.

Happy Reading,


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