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Inspo from mysteriousms-f



Keefe POV

I could feel beads of sweat trailing down my neck as I straightened my tie and my tuxedo again for probably the 9999999999999999999th time. Ro, who was currently watching me die of nervousness, rolled her eyes at me.

"Calm down, Funkyhair," she said, striding forward from the shadows. "Blondie loves you, you love her, together you're a big happy family, so—"

Ruby, Bo and Ro's daughter who looked exactly like Ro with pink-dyed pigtails being the only difference, (Ro's were currently orange that faded into red), interrupted. "I swear to f***ing god if you leave her at the altar so help me I'll drag your sorry a** right back over there, do you hear me?" she huffed.

"Yes Ma'am," I peeped, noticeably terrified of the little six-year-old ogre.

Meanwhile, Ro glared at her daughter. "Ruby! What did me and Papa say about profanity around innocent ears?"

"Hey!" I protested.

"Don't even argue, you know damn well that I'm right," Ro turned on me, raising an eyebrow.

I gulped. What was it, scare-the-living hell-out-of-Keefe day?

Biana poked her head into the room. "Hey Keefe?"

I breathed a sigh of relief, never feeling more thankful for Biana. "Yeah, Bi?"

She grinned, showing off her pearly-white teeth. "Showtime."

"Cant I just have a few minutes to prepare or—"

"Nope. Come on, Funkyhair." She began to drag me out of the little hut that I was standing in.

"For the last time, it's Hunkyhair! Not Funkyhair! Do you hear me? Not. Funkyhair."

Biana just giggled and flipped her hair over her shoulders, which had little strewn in sparkles that matched the sparkles around her eyes that she'd probably applied while doing her makeup, (which looked great by the way, per usual). "Whatever, Funkyhair."

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