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Keefe POV

My hands were sweating and suddenly my comfortable suit felt scratchy and hot. I unbuttoned and buttoned my vest, nervous for what I'm about to do. I'm at Biana and Tam's wedding, and (surprisingly), I'm his best man. But here's what I was REALLY nervous about:

I was going to propose to Foster at the wedding.

I know, I know, you're all going to say why wouldn't you propose somewhere nicer?

Well, since the Neverseen have been defeated and the war is over, Foster and I have been going on lots and lots of more missions and just haven't had the time to really hang out.

Suddenly, bells rang, interrupting my thoughts. Biana came strutting down the aisle, (looking gorgeous might I add, but obviously in my eyes will never compare to Foster), and had an adorable smile on her face. Her arm was hooked around Foster's, since she didn't want her father to walk her down because it would be another reminder of the "Vacker legacy". That's why she's taking Bangs Boy's last name as well.

Once she reached the podium, Foster came to sit beside me in the front row, cuddling up under my arm. She looked beautiful, in the navy blue knee-length dress with off-the shoulder transparent blue sleeves and white (barely) heels.

The priest - (a/n I have no idea how weddings work but I'm pretty sure the priest is the guy who marries the couple, correct me if I'm wrong) - began his speech. It was relatively boring and everyone was mainly focused on Bangs Boy and Princess Sparkles, (sorry I had to do put it in there!) who were staring at each other all lovey-dovey.

I imagined Foster replacing Biana and me replacing Tammy Boy. We would dance around wherever we got married and—

Cheers and shouts erupted, along with applause, as the couple kissed, signaling that they were now married, (a/n I think??). I grinned and stood up, probably clapping harder than anyone else, except for Foster, who was clapping and whistling up a storm.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering, where is Fitzy during all of this? Sitting in a corner of the luxurious ballroom, shadows covering most of him, glaring at Foster. I glared back, angry that he was 1. Mad at Foster and 2. Not paying any attention to his little sister's wedding.

After a few hours of celebration, it was just Tam, Biana, Linh, Marella, and Dex. Since everyone but Foster knew that I was going to propose, Biana tapped my shoulder at some point and nodded her head at this really pretty gazebo where she and Tam had taken most of their pictures.

I nodded, getting her gist, and grabbed Foster's hand, making her yelp. My hands started shaking a little, as I was super nervous at this point. What if she said no?

We reached the gazebo and she smiled up at me, though somewhat confusedly.

"Keefe?" she said. "What are you doing?"

"Breathing, standing, living," I smirked as she laughed.

Did I tell you that her laugh was absolutely beautiful? It sounded like beautiful, tinkling melodies and clear, chiming bells.

"Hey look, there's a flower over there that almost rivals your beauty!" I said, pointing in a random direction.

As she turned to look over there, I hurriedly got down on one knee, but as I was taking out the box that the *stunning* ring was in, the ring suddenly fell out! I cursed under my breath as Foster whipped back around.

"What was that?" she cried, not seeing me at first. Then she gasped, tears appearing in her eyes and her hands flying to her mouth.

I take a deep breath, momentarily getting lost in her honey-brown eyes. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster," I start. "You are, by far, the most amazing, beautiful, smart, and courageous girl that I have ever laid eyes on. I know that this is going to sound immensely sappy, but I truly believe that you are my one true love. It would make me the happiest, luckiest, fortunate, and blessed man in the world, if, Foster, you would marry me?"

I popped open the box, forgetting about the missing ring, just as Foster exclaimed, "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"

I laughed, pulling her into a hug and twirling her around.

Her eyes are twinkling with joy and beauty when she asked, "Where's the ring, Hunkyhair?"

I chuckle nervously, about to break the news to her when Biana suddenly shouted, "Right here!"

She handed me the silver, beautiful yet simple ring and I slipped it gently onto Foster's finger.

Right then and there, I decided, was the best day ever.


Ella, Calla, and Rose wrinkled their noses while Kenric Jr. just giggled in Foster's arms.

"You couldn't have proposed at some pretty landscape or something?" Ella remarked.

"Yeah, did it really have to be at Auntie Biana's wedding?" Rose added.

"And let's not even mention Daddy dropping the ring!" Calla said.

Keefe gasped, holding his hand to his chest and mocked hurt. "I didn't DROP it," he protested. "It fell out!"

Rose snorted. "Well, thank goodness for Auntie Biana then."

"Hear, hear!" Calla and Ella added.

Sophie and Keefe laughed and shared a glance. No matter what they're crazy four, (or rather, three), kids say, it would still be the Best. Day. Ever.

890 words! Happy Memorial Day! Please take the time to remember those in the military and what they have sacrificed for us. But also, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed <\3. Happy Reading,


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