{.𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈.} pt 2

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Since everyone seemed soooo disappointed when I left you guys off on a cliffhanger.. *pause for evil laugh* ..I've decided to end your suffering. Plus I think this counts as next week's update since it's Sunday? Does Sunday start the beginning of the week? Idk. Anyways, Enjoy! Happy Reading,



Slight Recap:

After finally finding **** colored streamers, she quickly filled the gray ballon and blew it up. Sophie went back outside and, meeting Keefe at the little backdrop with the 'gender reveal' balloons, he helped her hang it on a white streamer. (Mostly just because she was short.)

"Okay, is everyone ready!" Keefe yelled, his voice booming as he spoke into a microphone.

Amy, Sophie's human sister, had arrived later on with her boyfriend Matt and quickly made her way to her, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"YES!" they all screamed back.

Amy took the mic from Keefe and began counting down, "3!...2!......1!!!!"

Sophie smiled and she swiftly grabbed a small boxcutter knife and plunged it into the ballon, making it break with a satisfying POP! as it sent **** colored confetti strands everywhere....


Sophie smiled and swiftly grabbed a small boxcutter knife and plunged it into the balloon making it break with a satisfying POP! as it sent PINK colored confetti strands everywhere...

Everyone cheered, Rex Bex and Lex rushing forward to try and collect some of the confetti. Sophie laughed as people came up to her and Keefe, congratulating them on being parents. She shooed everyone to Keefe, momentarily distracting him as she pulled out two more balloons.

Amy gasped and everyone followed suit, falling back in the grass in front of them. Keefe was staring at her in shock and love. Sophie smirked, revealing two more white streamers and Keefe, snapping out of his surprise, scrambled to hang them up.

Sophie cut the one closet to her, making it break with another POP! as it sent PINK streamers down. Everyone held their breath as they waited to see if it was another girl or a boy. Sophie walked slowly to the next balloon to bring out the suspense.

"JUST CUT IT ALREADY!" Greenbean_123ean screamed.

Sophie laughed and cut the last one, sending BLUE confetti strands down.

"Are you done?" Amy asked, breathless with shock and adoration for her sister for pulling the surprise off. "No more babies?"

"No more babies," Sophie replied, grinning.

Everyone's reactions were priceless. She couldn't wait til her babies were all grown up.

Keefe wrapped her arms around her. "Well, guess this means that we have three new additions," he joked.

"Yeah," Sophie said softly, hands on her belly. "I guess so."


Time Skip - 5 years when the triplets are older


Sophie laughed, resting a hand on her husband Keefe's shoulder. She'd never thought that he'd be the strict parent. Everytime, they'd always joked about her being that role. How the tables have turned.

"Keefe, calm down," she said, stifling giggles when Amira tried to ride Luna and Aria Wynn to see who would get to the imaginary finish line first. "They're kids, and besides, it's just a picture."

Keefe visibly relaxed at her voice and touch. "I know, I just wish that they'd stop and take a picture for two seconds."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Fine then." Turning to her children, she yelled, "GET OVER HERE NOW OR NO MALLOWMELT."

Amira, the oldest triplet came first. She had blonde hair similar in color to her mother's but instead was shoulder length, her father's eyes, and his smirk. She was the troublemaker, her personality taking right after Keefe's, except for the painting part. She was quite beautiful and was going to be quite the heartbreaker when she grows up. Amira was also already a flasher and kept making balls of light appear right in her brother's face, making him blinded for long enough for her to shove or push him around.

Aria came next, the second eldest triplet. She had blonde hair identical to her mothers, long and wispy and ethereal. She also had eyes like her father but much softer like her mother's and had her father's smile. She was very into art and was even better than Keefe was at it, which was saying something especially at her young age. She was the most thoughtful of her siblings, smart and always using her brain. She was gorgeous and was probably not going to be as much of a heartbreaker, given her shy and quiet personality.

Next came Ethan, the youngest and only boy. He had the exact same hair as his father, brown eyes, and his mother's grin. He was also the shortest, though that probably won't last long. He really liked to annoy his sisters anyway he could and got in trouble for it all the time. He was also extremely handsome and reckless, much like his father.

"Now, be good and take a family picture that your father oh so needs," Sophie teased and the triplets grinned.

"Yes, Mom," they all replied politely.

Keefe huffed. "Why don't they ever listen to me? I thought I was supposed to be the fun parent."

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Oh, please. They listen. Just not often."

Amira and Ethan laughed, then glared at each other. For some reason they had this weird beef that neither parent could explain.

"Alright, smile please!"

The cameraman sighed in relief, eyes wide as he could finally leave..


Sophie smiled at the memory, now 205 years old. Keefe came up beside her and wrapped his arms around her, making her giggle. Their gaze turned to their children and grandchildren.

Amira and her husband, Wren, have two kids, Alaina, who's 12, and Gabby, who's 8.

Aria and her wife Serenity just adopted a boy, Brookes, who's also 12.

Ethan and his wife Rena also had a boy, Harlow who's 12, a girl named Lanaya, who's 7, and another baby on the way.

Ethan, Amira, and Aria came over, now fully grown-up.

"Thank you guys," Aria started, "for that wonderful baby shower that you threw us."

Sophie smiled, tears streaming down her face. "Of course, my darlings."

Ethan and Amira shared a smile, finally over with their beef from their childhood.

"Yeah," Ethan agreed.

Amira grinned. "The best baby-shower ever."

1041 words! 🌸 Ahh, this took me so long to write! Did I trick you guys? 😏 Hehe, bet you weren't expecting that! Hope you enjoyed! Happy Reading,


Also: Dedicated to Greenbean_123ean !

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