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Sophie POV

Sophie groaned, thumping her head against her desk as she glared at the mountain of work that she had. Seriously, even after saving the world countless times, defeating the Neverseen, earning an award for it, AND having a beautiful, wonderful boyfriend, the Council still thought it was a good idea to pile up work for her?

A knock at her bedroom door a few moments later distracted her, and Keefe poked his head into her room. "Hey, Foster, how you—woah, that's a lot of anger and annoyance."

She just shook her head and leaned against the back of her chair, staring up at the ceiling. "What do you want, Keefe?"

Keefe pretended to be hurt, holding a hand against his chest. "What, your boyfriend has to have a reason to come visit you?"

Sophie's face softened and she sighed. "Im sorry. Im just...stressed."

Her boyfriend frowned, walking over and draping his body over the chair, his face inches away from hers. Sophie rolled her eyes but smiled at his antics. He kissed her lips gently, slowly, before pulling away after a few moments.

"What are you so stressed about?" he murmured, studying her face as his arms slowly lifted her out of her chair, giving her the chance to push him away. Sophie closed her eyes as he carried her over to her bed, cuddling next to her.

"How do you expect me to answer when you're cuddling me and looking at me like that?" Sophie pointed out.

Keefe smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Looking at you like what?"

Sophie blushed, "Like I'm the best thing in the world to you or something. I'm not."

Keefe's striking ice-blue eyes softened as he pulled her close, running his fingers through her soft, lush blonde hair. "Yes you are. Even if the Council doesn't see it."

Sophie looked up at him, adoration and love in her eyes. "Promise?"

"I promise, Foster."

~-~-~- 2 months later -~-~-~

Sophie grunted softly as she dodged throwing star after throwing star, dagger after dagger, melder after melder. Keefe and her stood back to bad, him with a silver sword and her with two daggers, which she had ironically named Hope and Freedom, taking Ro's advice on "bonding" with the weapons.

"You good there, Foster?" Keefe asked, glancing back at her for a second before turning back to a Neverseen member that he was currently facing off against.

Sophie nodded, dodging a guy's attempt at stabbing her and stabbing him instead, in the leg, not somewhere fatal, since elves minds can't fathom murdering something or someone. "I'm doing good, you?"

Keefe chuckled, blocking the enemy's attempt at striking him with a melder, "I'm hanging in there."

A glint of silver caught Sophie's attention, and she screamed out, "Keefe! Watch out! Behind you!"

It was too late for Keefe to move, so Sophie had one thing left to do that could possibly save the love of her life's life: jumping in front of the dreaded weapon. The weapon that will kill one of them. She'd rather it be her. 

Keefe let out a choked sob as the weapon stabbed itself right in Sophie's abdomen, her petite form crumpling to the ground. Everyone paused, frozen, even the Neverseen members.

"No no no no no!" Keefe screamed, holding her in his arms, turning to Biana and Dex behind them. "What are you doing just standing there?! Go get Elwin!"

Biana nodded shakily and Elwin came running over, took one look at Sophie, and tears started falling down his face. "I'm sorry, Keefe, but she can't be saved."

"W-What?" Keefe stuttered, tears streaming down his face as he stared at his Foster.

"Keefe, it's okay," Sophie whispered. "I'm okay. You can't save me, and I wouldn't recommend trying to. I love you, Keefe."

"I-I love you too," Keefe whispered.

Sophie smiled gently, connecting their lips in a soft kiss. Their last kiss. She fell limp in his arms, and he pulled away, gazing at her through blurry eyes.

"NO!" he screamed, and screamed, and screamed.

Sophie was dead. His fiancé was dead.


Keefe jerked forward in his bed, still screaming.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Sophie said, immediately engulfing him in her arms as he cried into her shoulder. "What happened?"

Keefe cried harder at the thought of telling her, and Sophie quickly shut the idea down. "Okay. You don't have to tell me. I'm here."

"Promise?" Keefe whispered.

She smiled. "I promise, Sencen."

756 words 🎉 So sorry for not updating yesterday! I actually had it ready but then Wattpad was malfunctioning again and it didn't publish 😢😅 Hopefully this makes up for it! Hope you enjoyed the oneshot that I was supposed to post yesterday lol. Happy Reading,


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