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Human AU

Sophie's POV


Sophie groaned in boredom, flopping onto her bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Edaline popped her head into her bedroom. "Tired of playing with Mari and Leo?"

Oh yeah. A few years ago, Edaline had become pregnant again, this time with twins. A girl and a boy, Marisol and Leo. They were so freaking cute and exciting, but since they were only 3-years old, they couldn't really entertain her for long.

"Why don't you go to Dex's house?" Edaline suggested, trying to cheer Sophie up.

All it did was make her mood worse. "Can't. Lex got Covid after getting dared to kiss one of the cleaner's brooms."

Edaline wrinkled her nose. "Um, ew. How about Biana?"

Sophie's eyes lit up at the mention of her best friend. "Actually, yeah! Lemme call her and see."

"Alrighty, I'll leave you to it."

She left with that stupid goofy grin on her face. Moms.. Sophie grumbled.

Sophie grabbed her phone and FaceTimed Biana.

Almost immediately, Biana's gorgeous face appeared on the screen. "Hey, Sophie!"

"Hi Bi! Can I go to your house today? I'm sooooo bored."

Biana giggled. "Sure. I'm super bored too. Plus, I think Tam's about to murder Fitz."

"Wait, Tam's there? And Linh?"

"Yeah, but not Linh. She had something to do with Marella. We invited Keefe though and I was actually just about to call y— NO TAMMY, THE FRYING PAN IS FOR FRYING THINGS, DONT PULL A RAPUNZEL ON FITZ!"

Sophie giggled. That did sound like something Tam would do.

"Wait, how does he know who Rapunzel is?" Sophie asked. "Not being sexist or anything but—"

"Oh, yeah," Biana interruted. "Before Lex got Covid, Dex dropped off these cool movies we could watch. Her hair looked cool so we watched it."

Sophie laughed. "Okay well I'll be over in five."

"M'kay, love you Soph!"

"Love you too, Bi."

She ended the call and grabbed a small sleepover bag she always kept packed, since Biana had a tendency to spring surprise sleepovers or hangouts on them.

In almost exactly five minutes, she arrived at the Vacker Mansion.

Sophie spotted Keefe on the front porch as she began to walk up from the driveway.

"Hey Foster!" Keefe greeted her, grabbing Sophie by the waist and twirling her around. They were on the front porch of Biana and Fitz's house, and they were probably looking at them right now, but Sophie couldn't care less.

"Hi Keefe," she giggled. "Has it really been that long?"

"Yup," said Ro, popping the 'p' as she strutted outside. "Been about 7 months, 28 weeks, and 196 days. Funkyhair over there has been counting."

Keefe blushed, but his smirk quickly returned. "Well, you can't blame me for wanting to see my hot girlfriend!"

Now it was Sophie's turn to turn into a tomato and Keefe's smirk only grew.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you EVEN more."

"Mmm, not possible."

Keefe pouted and Sophie laughed.

Ro rolled her eyes. "Well, are you guys just going to stay out here the whole time?" she asked. "Come on! Let's go!"

She grabbed both of their arms and practically dragged them inside.

Eventually, they just let Ro lead them to the living room where Biana, Fitz, and Tam stood.

Or rather, Tam stood with a frying pan over Fitz's head and Fitz was using Ritz Crackers as ninja throwing stars and Biana was trying to keep the peace.

"Um," Sophie said awkwardly. "Hi guys? What's going on in here?"

"Oh Sophie, thank god!" Biana said, rushing over and wrapping her in a hug so tight it felt like Sophie couldn't breathe.

"Need...air," she wheezed and Biana let go.

She laughed nervously. "Sorry. But the boys were literally going to kill each other had you not shown up."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Biana grinned. "Can you handle them?"

Sophie cracked her knuckles. "Hmm, I guess so. Step back guys."

Biana, Keefe, and Ro stepped back, already prepared. Tam froze and Fitz laughed.

"Haha! Scared of a girl, now, are you TaMmY?" Fitz mocked. Biana scowled at her brother.

Sophie took a deep breath, then used her Legendary Puppy Eyes.

"Shi—I mean, shoot," Tam mumbled. "I—can't—look—away."

She grinned and Fitz froze too, unable to move as well.

"Well boys, are you done fighting now?" Sophie asked evilly.

Tam and Fitz bobbed their heads 'yes'.

Sophie cackled. "Good."

She stopped and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind her back, Keefe and Biana high-fived.

Never underestimate Sophie's puppy eyes.

716 words! 🎶 No a/n to go with this one lol. Just hoped you enjoyed.

📚 Happy Reading,


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