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Sophie's POV

It had been two months since she had last seen Keefe Sencen, and for some reason, it felt like something was missing. Like the loneliness that came from losing her original family and having her adoptive family had been briefly filled. She was addicted to him, him and his warmth, like an addict would drugs.

"Sophie!" came her best friend, Biana Vacker's, voice.

Sophie groaned. "Not another makeover," she grumbled.

Biana emerged into her bedroom with her makeup supplies, a grin on her face, and an evil glint in her teal eyes. "Sorry, but it's you second date with Keefe! That is something to celebrate, and therefore you must look your best."

Sophie glared at her. "Just don't go overboard."

"Aye-aye captain! Now, let the master get to work."

Biana walked over to her closet and began to rummage through it, shaking her head at some things and setting other things aside. Finally, she had two outfits picked out and instructed Sophie to choose between them. Outfit #1 was more casual while Outfit #2 was a bit more on the fancier side.

Outfit #1:

Outfit #1:

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Outfit #2:

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Outfit #2:

(It wouldn't let me upload the photo but basically it's pretty white sandals.)

Sophie studied each outfit carefully

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Sophie studied each outfit carefully.

"I can't decide, but can I try them on to see which one I like better?" she asked Biana, who of course nodded and handed her outfit #2.

She stepped into her bathroom and closed the door behind her, then jumped when she realized another person was in the room.

"Who are you?" Sophie demanded, although quiet enough so that Biana wouldn't hear.

"Relax, Foster. It's just me," said the voice.

Sophie relaxed when she realized it was Keefe. But why in the world was he in her bathroom of all places? She flicked the light switch on and it revealed Keefe's muscular build.

He was wearing a thin white tunic with black ripped jeans and his hair was messy as usual. He smiled sheepishly when he was revealed, running his hands through his hair. It made him look even more devishly-handsome, but Sophie would never admit that.

"What are you doing here?" Sophie hissed.

"I was going to surprise you, but it seems that you're busy, so I'll just come back later." Keefe turned and began to hop back out of the open window, which Sophie hadn't noticed before.


Her words obviously surprised Keefe, but not more than herself. She wasn't even changed yet. What in the world was her mind thinking?

"Just let me get changed first," she continued, her brain taking over. "Then we can go. If that's okay, of course."

Keefe grinned. "Of course. I'll be outside."

He hopped out of the window and latched onto a tree branch and swung himself onto it.

Sophie hurriedly undressed and pulled the dress on, making sure she was out of sight from the window, (yk, in case of prying eyes.) She tugged her sandals on and clasped them in the back. Standing up, she smiled. Outfit #2 was definitely the right choice, even if she hadn't even tried the other outfit.

A knock at the bathroom door. "Sophie? Are you okay? What's taking so long?"

But Sophie ignored her, quickly pulling her hair up into a half-up-half-down hairdo. She then made her way over to the window, took a deep breath, and jumped.

The wind coursed through her hair, the summer air enveloped her in warmth, and she couldn't have felt happier. Then her body collided with the branch with an OOF! sound.

Keefe laughed, but helped her up like the gentlemen he was.

"So, where are we going?" Sophie asked, trying to hide her flaming cheeks behind her hair.

"It's a surprise," Keefe winked.

They clambered down the tree, (with some assistance from Keefe for Sophie, who kept slipping and tripping somehow someway on the perfectly smooth trunk), and got into Keefe's.

When they arrived, Sophie had to gasp in awe.

Because Keefe had taken them to Ohio, (nah jk jk).

Because Keefe had taken them to Disney World in under twenty minutes, (don't ask how he did it).

Sophie turned to Keefe, a smile gracing her lips. "Keefe! Thank you!"

She jumped into his arms as he laughed, twirling her around in the air. A few parents around them stopped and smiled, as if remembering their early relationships.

Once Keefe put her down, Sophie tugged on his hand and led him to every single ride, since Keefe already had two Express passes ready.

They had fun until the sunset, when it was time to say goodbye.

But even as Sophie drove home, a smile was stuck on her face, memories of today flashing through her mind as she thought of Keefe.

Who knew that they would meet over an order of hot chocolate?

And most of all, that they would grow to love each other?

877 words! Eeee, I'm done! Ok, I know this was kinda bad but I was low on inspo so this was the best that I can do. I promise you though that the next oneshot is going to be amazing! Happy Reading,


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