
559 4 8

edited: july 29, 2023

updated: december 12, 2023

  human au  

Sophie's POV

I plop down on the small loveseat beside my bed, the white cushions almost swallowing my petite figure whole. Hunger Games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes is clutched in my hands. I spot my iPod on a fuzzy blanket beside me and I shove them in, shuffling my Taylor Swift playlist.

I'm just getting to chapter three when my phone dings to the left of me. I slide my bookmark in between the pages and quickly unlock my phone, going to my messages.


today 2:14 p.m.

🏳️ 🎥 📩

fitz.vacker: u awake?

----> replying to @fitz.vacker | you: yepp

| fitz.vacker: lol

| fitz.vacker: so are u, like, doing smth rn or?

| you: nope

| fitz.vacker: can u come to my house then pls

| you: sure! what time?

| fitz.vacker: doesn't matter

| you: see u there

| you: :)

| fitz.vacker: ;)

read at 2:16 p.m.

I smile to myself, giggling slightly as I throw on a pretty light-grey sweat her with black bell-bottom leggings. I end up with gray, white, and black low-top Nike sneakers. I style my hair up in a messy bun and put very, very light and neutral makeup on. To add some finishing touches, I clip on a golden necklace with a circle at the end, and small gold hoop earrings.

I then grab my tote-bag and stuff my iphone, charger, ipod, my book, and a bottle of water inside of it.

Racing down the stairs two at a time, I yell a good-bye to my adoptive parents, Grady and Edaline. I speed-walk down the driveway to my white Tesla and scramble in, plugging in my bluetooth and listening to Taylor Swift's "autumn".

Yes, I'm a huge swiftie.

Deal with it.

Anyways, I finally pull up to my boyfriend Fitz's house. I quickly search for the spare key I'd thrown in my car somewhere, before finding it in the backseat cup holder. I unlock the front door and step into the huge and elegant mansion-of-sorts.

There's a humongous entranceway, and then a loooonnngg hallway that has who-knows how many fancy white wood-oak doors. I look around for the twisting, spiral staircase in the right hand corner before clambering up it, towards the second floor.

Third floor.

Fourth floor.

Fifth floor.

Sixth floor.


I'm panting like I just ran a marathon (which, I practically did), and catch my breath before making the last bit of way to Fitz's bedroom. Finally, I reach his room at the end of the hallway.

I knock twice first before I hear a distant voice yell, "Come in!"

I walk in with a smile, rushing over to give my boyfriend a hug before pulling away, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So," I say after a moment, trying to break the awkward silence. "Why did you invite me over?"

Fitz sucks in a deep breath, running his hands through his dark, curly hair. His gorgeous emerald-teal eyes are strikingly nervous as they look into my honey-brown ones. I give him a reassuring smile, not really sure what this is about.

"I, um, called you here because I wanted to talk to you about something," Fitz finally says. "I know that we just started dating a few months ago, but it just..doesn't seem right to me. Please, hear me out before you interrupt me. There's always awkward silences and pauses between us, which never used to happen when we were just friends and could be comfortable with one another. Also, we're always nervous and never just relaxed together, like we should be. And.. I have a feeling that I'm not the one for you. And you're not the one for me. I'm sorry, Soph."

I take a deep breath, my eyes stinging with tears and my heart hollow and hurt as I struggle to hold them back. "What are you saying?"

"I think we should break-up, is what I'm saying."

I gasp and a single tear falls down my cheek. I grab my tote-bag, which I had disregarded on the floor, and rush out of my now ex-boyfriend's room. I hear his voice calling my name, but he doesn't even bother to chase after me. I think he understands that I just want to be alone right now.

Or, maybe he doesn't even care, a small voice in my head prompts.

I ignore it, racing down the stairs and down the long hallway I was talking about. I run until I can't anymore, and even then the doors seem to stretch on for forever.

I open the nearest door and find myself in a pretty garden, with lots of pastel colored flowers dotting the lush green grass, with plenty of pots of thriving fruits and vegetables as well.

I collapse to my knees, wrapping my arms around my midsection, and sob. It's not until I feel the warmth of two strong arms wrapping around me that I gasp and look up.

"Keefe," I choke out, but he just hugs me tighter, his soft ice-blue eyes looking into mine.

"It's okay, Foster," he reassures me, but for some reason, I don't believe him. I think he can tell, because he frowns and adds, "It is. It may seem like the end of the world right now, but it will get better. I promise."

I smile through my tears and stare at him through blurry eyes, hugging him even closer, if possible. "Thank you, Keefe."

"Of course," he replies. He adds something under his breath, thinking I won't hear it.

But I do.

"Of course I will. Only for you, Foster."

word count: 923 words.

i hope you enjoyed and have a splendid early [whatever you celebrate]. again, updated version is after [december 12-31, 2023]

happy reading,


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