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Sophie POV

I sighed as Mr. Forkle and the rest of the Collective droned on and on and ON about how I'm the moonlark and I'm supposed to save the Lost Cities and blah, blah, BLAH.

They were planning on sending me, Keefe, Biana, Tam, Dex, and Fitz to the Forbidden Cities, (which I could not be more excited about!). But the real reason? We would be protecting my human family. Which did ruin my mood a bit, but hey, at least we get to go to the Forbidden Cities!

"When do we go?" I interrupted, tired of hearing them talk.

Mr. Forkle spied me suspiciously. "Next Tuesday. And not anytime soon."

I sighed. Way to ruin it. "Fiiiiinnnneee. Aren't you going to tell the rest, though?"

"Already have," Tiergan jumped in.

I forced a smile. "Great! Then I'll be going."

I teleported out of there before any of them could get another word out.


Keefe POV

At Remeshire, Foster's and I's house, I was trying to get Verdi to try a new elvish food when Foster glittered (quite beautifully, might I add), onto the pasture. Her face and emotions were tired and frustrated but when she saw me her face lit up.

"Hey Foster!" I called out to her, waving her over. "How do you do today, m'lady?"

She giggled as she approached me, (which I practically melted at). "Very well, my good sir. How are you?"

I cracked a smile. "C'mere, Foster," I said more gently. I could tell that she'd had a long day and wanted to give her a bear hug to release all of her stress and worries.

As I pulled her close, I smoothed out the worry crease in her forehead. "What's wrong?" I murmured in her ear.

Foster blushed. "I'm just...worried. About our next mission," she clarified.

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion before remembering our next mission. Of course. It must  e hard for her to have to protect her past family.

"Hey, how about we go have a picnic, have a nice day, and not think about this anymore?" she interrupted my thoughts, tugging on her eyelashes.

The suggestion made me raise an eyebrow, but I ignored it. For now.

"Alright," I said, scooping her into my arms bridal-style.

Her height, 5"6, was perfect against my 6"1 stature. That meant I could easily rest my chin on her head or bury my face into her neck. Or, in this case, scoop her up without a problem.

"Keefe!" she squealed as I carried her to the pancakes tree we had planted in memory of Calla. (a/n is there more than one pancakes tree? idk).

Since Foster had unlocked four more abilities over the years, (hydrokinetic, pyrokentic, conjurer, and a mesmer), so she easily conjured a picnic blanket and basket, filled to the top with delicious elvin delicacies.

After stuffing our mouths with food, I turned to Foster. "What aren't you telling me? And don't even try to lie, I'm an Empath, remember?"

Foster smiled slightly. "Yeah, unfortunately."

I would've cracked a smile at the joke under different circumstances, but I didn't.

"Seriously, Foster," I said more seriously. "You can trust me, you know."

She sighed. "I know, Keefe. It's just...I don't know if I'm ready to see them again."

I took her hand and held her close, running a hand softly through her beautiful blonde locks. "Someone once told me that we can't live in the past and we have to let the hard things go," I quoted.

Foster cracked a smile. "Didnt Edaline say that?"

"A very wise person," I complemented. "Just like you."

She blushed, and I instantly felt satisfied.

She leaned up and pecked my lips, and I could practically see my blazing red cheeks. Foster giggled, hugging my waist. "Thank you," she whispered.

I smiled. "Anytime, Foster. Anytime."

631 words! So sorry for not posting! With the end of school and whatnot, things have been super chaotic. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Happy reading,


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