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Heyyy! Just a heads up, this oneshot will alternate between Keefe POV and Sophie POV. Okay, I won't keep you any longer I promise! Happy reading,


Sophie POV

Sometimes Sophie wished that the Black Swan hadn't created her. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with the mind-numbing pressure, control over her *many* abilities, or even being unmatchable. Sure, it was nice not having to be brutally tortured by human thoughts day in and day out, but sometimes she wished that it was still that way.

That way she didn't have this...power inside of her.

See, ever since Alden's mind had temporarily broken, Sophie had started to feel something rise in her. It turned into a "physical form" during her echos. It was a monster consisting entirely of thick, black smoke and stardust, but looked just like her.

Her name was Eiphos. Eiphos, apparently, was an ancient monster in the Lost Cities that feasted on your fear and basically every negative emotion you have. But it was different than when the monster had been in other bodies.

It used to be an Angel named Retsof. Now, it was hungry for power.


It was Sophie's job to ensure that she wouldn't take control. But lately, it had been getting harder and harder.

She liked to call when Eiphos tried to take control little "panic attacks", because when they did occur Sophie usually reacted similar to a panic attack.

But this time it caught her off guard.

Keefe POV

He had a positively, 100% fun-filled day planned for him and Sophie. They had just started dating a few months ago, and it was now their 1 Year Anniversary. Keefe wanted to make it special, so that's exactly what he did.

Basically, he had rented out a huge amusement/waterpark in the Forbidden Cities called Quasi, and they had it all to themselves for the day. Dex had even helped to make the rides hand-censored, so that all they had to do to start a ride was place their hand on this weird tech-contraption thingamajig.

All he had to do now was pick up Sophie from Havenfield.

As he glittered onto Havenfield's front pastures, Keefe could immediately tell that something was off. Glitter Butt, (or Silveny), was in disarray, neighing and screaming and batting her wings. Keefe wanted to check on Sophie but decided to go over to the mama alicorn to see what was wrong.

"There, there," he whispered, stroking her mane. "What happened?"

Almost immediately, Keefe heard Glitter Butt's "voice" in his head. SOPHIE! TROUBLE! EIPHOS BAD! HELP!

Keefe rubbed his temples. "Okay, I understand. But who's Eiphos? And why are they bad?"

Glitter Butt shook her head, as if trying to shake the fear and desperation away. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get anything else out of her, so he ran over to the house, threw open the front door, and sprinted to his girlfriend's room.

When he burst through the door, Edaline's head snapped up and Keefe could see that she had been crying. Her left hand tightly gripped Sophie's, who appeared to be having a nightmare. Everyone—the Collective, friends, family, and even the Council—were gathered in the room.

"What's going on?" Keefe asked, hating his voice for having a slight wobble. "Is Foster okay?"

"Calm down, Mr. Sencen," Mr. Forkle said instead of answering his question.

"Keefe, just Keefe," he found himself absentmindedly correcting him.

"Mr. Keefe," Mr. Forkle gritted his teeth. "Miss Foster has been harboring something inside of her for a long time. And before any of you ask, no it is not a baby and no it is not an illness. But I suppose it could classify as a sort of mental illness, but that's not the point. It is an ancient spirit that goes by the name of Eiphos, which you may notice is the backwards form of Sophie. Eiphos used to be an angel, and legend has it that she used to go by Retsof and if she was in you, that was an enormous blessing. But, over time, Retsof grew bored and angry of people taking control of her. She began to crave that exact control—and that longing turned her into a monster, Eiphos. Now she has buried herself deep into Sophie's subconscious and gifts little "panic attacks", as people may call them. Basically, Eiphos makes your worst nightmares, fears, and insults come to life in your subconscious, where you are completely and entirely vulnerable," he finally finished.

Keefe gaped at him. "So you're saying that Foster is basically undergoing the trauma that she's had for all of her life?"

Mr. Forkle nodded grimly. "I'm afraid so."

He paused for just a second before saying, "And I'm not sure that this is something that we can ever 'cure' her of."

826 words! Hello! I am so sorry for not updating, but my school JUST finished state testing, so I'm now free! Anyway, sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but i promise there will be a part 2 to this, and maybe a part 3 if I feel like it. Happy reading,


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