•. Need a Drink .•

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"Hey Hyung how was recording?" A tired Niki asked Soobin when he entered the dorm.

Soobin paused and turned towards the younger and mustered up enough strength to look at Niki with a smile and give a thumbs up before running to his shared room with Sunghoon.

As soon as Soobin entered the room he collapsed on the floor holding his knees to his chest. His vision got blurry and he started hyperventilating.

He remembered what the male staff had said to him. His stomach churned at the way he could remember clearly how the man had smiled so sinisterly at him.

He buried his head to his knees and cried, "What's happening to me..." Soobin whispered to himself between sobs.

He tried to muffle his sobs by covering his mouth as he heard the rest of the group members walking towards his room. A knock was heard on the door.

"Soobin? Group meeting. It's important." A voice said from the opposite side of the door.


Beomgyu walked next to Yeonjun towards their shared dorm, both tired and ready to get some sleep.

"Yeonjun let's go to a club tonight," Beomgyu said, his voice cutting through the comfortable silence.

"Wha- Beomgyu no it's the weekend and that means I have to either sleep or study. Maybe during the summer? Just not now." Yeonjun replied, not in the mood to talk about this topic anymore.

"Yeonjun you don't have to study. Come on it'll be fun- and all of my friends will be there. I heard some kids are bringing drugs there too. Please just do something fun this one weekend Jun?"
Beomgyu practically begged the older.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and tucked his hands into his pants pockets.

"Yeonjun we used to party all the time when we were younger. High school Yeonjun would be so disappointed right now.." Beomgyu said, knowing this would get Yeonjun to fold.

"If I say yes, will you not ask me to do anything with you for the rest of the month?" Yeonjun asked, his eyebrow-raising with suspicion.

"Of course Jun! As long as you keep your promise." Beomgyu said while biting back his smile.

"Fine. I promise."


Soobin sat on the couch in his dorm living room with Jungwon and Niki sitting on both of his sides. Sunghoon, Jay, and Heeseung sat on chairs from the dinner table and Sunno and Jake sat on the carpeted floor.

"Soobin, are you okay?" Jungwon asked, not liking the uncomfortable silencing that surrounded the group.

"You've been...crying late at night hyung. We're worried." Sunoo said timidly, trying not to upset the blonde.

Soobin's eyes flickered up to look at Sunghoon, knowing the others wouldn't have known he was crying unless Sunghoon told them. Sunghoon didn't meet his gaze.

"Guys you all are being ridiculous. I don't cry late at night and if you guys are hearing crying at night then you should probably go see a doctor" Soobin said fast, fake chuckling at the last part.

They fucking know. You're a terrible liar Soobin.

Jay sighed loudly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. He rubbed his face with his hands and then turned his body towards Soobin.

"What's really going on? We know you're not okay. You can tell us. Let us help you, or at least try to help yourself. We're family and we'll fight for you. Just tell us Hyung." Jay said, slowly and clearly, trying to get his message across to the group's stubborn leader.

"It's none of your fucking business," Soobin growled looking up at Jay. Jay looked back, meeting the taller ugly glare.

"Soobin. Don't say that to him he's just trying to help-" Sunghoon started but was interrupted by Soobin yelling, making everyone in the room jump.

"STOP. SHUT UP SUNGHOON- IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU TELLING THEM THEN I'D BE FINE. JUST STOP." Soobin yelled at the top of his lungs, he stood up, only for everyone else to do the same.

He looked up to see his member's fearful eyes. He flinched when Jake stepped forward to try to calm him down. Everyone noticed the small detail which made their fearful feelings more intense.

Jake immediately stepped back, apologizing for scaring Soobin. Soobin's breathing became rapid once again.

Fuck fuck fuck not right now. Please not right now.

His eyesight became blurry and he collapsed onto the floor. He tucked his face into his knees and gripped onto his hair, tugging on it aggressively. "I'm scared" He whimpered.

"Shit Soobin no don't do that," Sunoo said, kneeling to peal Soobin's hands away from his hair, interlocking his fingers with Soobin's

Jungwon and Niki both kneeled behind Soobin and embraced him, even though they were scared themselves.

Soobin knew he had to tell his members what was happening. There's no more hiding it anymore. Even if he didn't want to face it himself.

"You don't have to be scared anymore Hyung. We've got you. Let go."

"I-I can't." The sobbing blonde managed to reply. His cry's becoming less aggressive after clinging onto Sunoo's hands tighter and the two youngest holding him a little closer.

"You know what. I think we all just need a drink." Heeseung declared.


Yeonjun collapsed onto his twin-sized bed, looking up at the ceiling. Beomgyu dropped his bag onto the floor and laid down next to Yeonjun, both squished together as the bed was already small enough for one person.

"Okay, so what color scheme are we thinking tonight?" Beomgyu asked turning his head to look at his best friend.

"Black most definitely," Yeonjun replied before smirking.

"Agreed. Black is a smexy color." Beomgyu agreed quickly.

"Say smexy again and I'll murder you." Yeonjun whispered, "And go shower you smell like dog piss."

"Whatever. You need to loosen up. I can't wait to see what kind of drugs Yuqi's bringing tonight. But I know you don't take drugs so...uhm."

"Beomgyu I just Need a Drink."

Written on 5/6/23

chapter 2

One dream~Kai 🫶🏼

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