•. Such a Tease .•

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"Suck my dick and I'll give you more lines."

Soobin, a tall and young blonde idol was in the recording studio staring up at one of the songwriters for his group. He'd just asked if he could have been distributed more lines.

"I don't think that's appropriate to ask-" Soobin started to reply but the other man stepped closer to Soobin, putting his withering finger onto the idol's lips.

"Listen, kid, I've been writing songs for idols for years now. This is the only way any idol gets more lines when they ask." The man interrupted the young idol.

"The only way?"

"The only way."

Soobin thought for a total of 17 seconds before he uttered a small "Fine." And walked out of the recording studio and into the staff bathroom with the older man to get the job done.



A tall boy with brunette hair ran down the corridor of his college calling for someone, scaring the other students. He had already bumped into several people, only stopping when they grabbed at him only for him to escape their hold in a few moments. He ran for 20 minutes straight around the college campus until he reached the arts section of the large school. He paused and looked around, looking for a raven-haired man.

"It can't be that hard to find a 5,11 guy come on" the brunette complained to himself.

He continued to look around until he saw a blob of pink hair in the crowded hallway. He pushed through the students until he reached the slightly shorter student.

"Taehyun have you seen Yeonjun?" The brunette asked the pink-haired male while still out of breath.

"Yep, he's with Wooyoung and Changbin in the science hall," Taehyun replied, not even glancing at the brunette, keeping his eyes on his best friend, Kai.

"Thanks, Hyun" The brunette thanked before sprinting off towards the science hall, not noticing how the shorter male's cheeks became as pink as his hair because of the nickname.

"How do you expect him to start liking you if you can't even give him eye contact you dumb bitch." His best friend Kai said to Taehyun after the brunette ran off to find this Yeonjun guy.

"Talk to me when your balls drop Kamal," Taehyun said before walking to his class.


"YEONJUN HYUNG FINALLY" The brunette screamed as he ran down the main science hall, waving his phone wildly above his head.

The tall brunette flung himself onto the so-called Yeonjun, the raven-haired male quickly slapping his hand over the mouth of the brunette.

The raven-haired man dragged the other male into the nearest bathroom and dragged him into the biggest stall in the room.

"Beomgyu can't you not be loud for one fucking moment in your sad life." The male whisper yelled at the brunette who was now leaning against the bathroom wall paying attention to his phone.

The brunette, Beomgyu, looked up at the other male before giving him his phone and leaning back onto the bathroom wall.

Yeonjun, the raven-haired, gave Beomgyu a confused look before looking at the phone.

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