•.Fluff It Up.•

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"Do you want to eat anything? I'm getting hungry." Yeonjun said as the pair laid down on the couch, his hands combing through the younger's blonde hair.

Soobin wanted to eat. He really did.

However, he was an idol.

Food and him just didn't mix.

It felt like a constant struggle. He loved food. When he was still a teenager, when he had no worries about what his body looked like, he would eat anything he craved for. His mood was better whenever he ate too.

But ever since he entered the world of kpop, food became an issue. It became something he feared. Something that felt forbidden almost.

His fans loved his collarbones and his ribs, something that could only show if he was starving. So he continued on with his unhealthy ways, making anorexia his best friend. He doesn't technically regret his choice to stop eating, but he doesn't regret letting this choice get out of control.

It's so out of control that he can't stomach a healthy amount of food without throwing it up, making him almost scared for himself.

The most he can eat is a meal a day, and even that's a lot most of the time.

He looked up at Yeonjun, making eye contact with the older before shaking his head. "I'm still full from our date. You can eat while I go shower for bed." He replied. His heart twisted at the pout that showed up onto Yeonjun's face but nevertheless Yeonjun let him do what he wanted and watched as Soobin got up to go shower.

He wished he could be normal for him. For his Yeonjun.


Yeonjun slipped into the bed next to Soobin an hour later, Soobin letting out a pleased sigh at the older's body heat warming him up. He turned around to cuddle up to Yeonjun better and was slightly startled by the gaze Yeonjun was giving him. It looked somewhat...pitiful?

"What?" Soobin whispered out, afraid to break the peaceful quiet.

Yeonjun closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Soobin became anxious. "What is it?" He asked again.

Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Soobin's waist, pulling him closer and letting their noses and foreheads touch.

"Soobin...we need to talk about a few things."

And if that didn't scare Soobin then he doesn't know what will. Soobin backed away a bit to look at Yeonjun a bit clearer. "...okay."

The pair sat up, both now facing each other with their legs crossed. Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's hands to make up for the tense atmosphere.

"Soobin, I've been thinking about this since you told me about it." There was a beat of silence before Yeonjun continued.

"I think...you should report that staff member."

It felt like the world had stopped spinning.

"W-what?" Soobin said as he backed up, obviously not for the idea. Yeonjun pulled him back before he could get too far away though.

"Soobin. He's a rapist and an abuser. You cannot work in that environment. It's unsafe and it's toxic. Please Soobin. Please just put an end to this. Put an end to your suffering and get rid of him. Don't think about how this might affect your idol life because that's the least important thing right now. Instead, let's focus on your health and your wellbeing. Let's report him to the police- and let's finish this."

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