•.I love you.•

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"You're...in love with me?" Soobin said.

Yeonjun didn't know how to reply. The words had come out so easily, so effortlessly. It felt right.

He didn't know when, or how he fell in love with Soobin but he knew that the words slipping past his lips were right.

He really did love Soobin.

He'd only been in a few relationships in his life and none of them had ever felt as good as being with Soobin. Not that they were even in a relationship.

Yeonjun watched as Soobin's eyes filled with tears, his cheeks becoming a reddish pink. He looked beautiful when he cried. However, it didn't feel beautiful when he was the reason for Soobin's tears...unless they were tears of pleasure or happiness that is.

"Yeonjun what do you mean? You love me? You actually love...me?" Soobin asked, disbelief covering his words in a thick coat. Yeonjun couldn't fathom why Soobin sounded so unconvinced. Soobin was so easy to love.

Loving Soobin is the easiest thing he's ever done.

Yeonjun walked around the table so he was standing directly in front of the younger, his heart rate speeding up as Soobin stared at Yeonjun, his bunny teeth nibbling on his plush bottom lip. Yeonjun had to remind himself that he didn't know what Soobin could respond with. That his questions he's asked so far weren't a rejection.

"Soobin...I love you. I genuinely, truly, wholeheartedly, love you. No, I'm in love with you Choi Soobin." Yeonjun confessed, his own tears brimming in his eyes. His hands were shaking.

Once he realized Soobin was still staying there, no words coming out of his mouth, just frozen, he continued.

"Soobin please. Say something. I-I can't be the only one who feels like this. The smiles you make when you're with me seem genuine. You seem happy around me. This can't be a game to you. You said you liked me. Has that not turned into love yet? Please Soobin I'm begging for some-"

Yeonjun's rant was cut short by a sob.

A sob.

Soobin hid his face behind his hands, tears and gasps coming from him. Did Yeonjun upset him?

Yeonjun's eyes widened and he grabbed onto the youngers hips gently, guiding him into a hug. Soobin's cries became louder as he melted into the olders embrace. Yeonjun let one arm wrap securely around Soobin's waist and the other hand cup the back of the younger's head.

It took awhile for Soobin to calm his breakdown. The entire time Yeonjun's anxiety was running on high, his own tears falling every now and then.

Would Soobin say they can't see each other after this?

Soobin did confess he liked him back but what if love was too much for him?

What if this is our last night together.

Please stay.

Yeonjun was pulled out of his thoughts as he realized something, it was silent. Soobin had stopped crying, the only thing filling the room was the pairs slow breathing.

He watched as Soobin pulled away, his eyes puffy and glossy. His heart broke looking at the sight.

He stood still as Soobin smiled, a tired chuckle being pulled out of him. "I'm sorry Hyung."

Yeonjun felt like throwing up. This was it. This was the moment Soobin was going to tell him they're not meant to be lovers.

"I didn't mean to get your shirt wet." Soobin said with a smile. Once the younger realized the older was still waiting for his response to his confession he took a breath in.

"Yeonjun. I wanted to be the one to say those three words first but I guess you beat me."


"I fell in love with you the second that you accepted me for being...me. The night of your first confession. The night you said you liked me...I know I said I liked you too but...I know that the true meaning behind that confession was that I love you. I've loved you since then. I'm in love with you too Choi Yeonjun. I really really do."

Yeonjun and Soobin shared a long moment of eye contact, smiles spreading across their faces before they leaned in, their lips meeting in a gentle touch.

If anyone asked Yeonjun, he would say he loved these kind of kisses. He could feel the way Soobin's lips were pillow level soft, he could feel the way Soobin slightly smiled and his hands fought grabbing the older's hair. He loved how he could noticed everything in these slow and steady moments.

When the two pulled away Soobin was quick to pull him into a hug, tucking his face into Yeonjun's shoulder. Yeonjun's heart fluttered as the sound of a giggle Soobin made into his ear.

"I love you I love you I love you." Soobin said, and Yeonjun laughed freely.

Soobin loved him. Soobin loved him!

"I love you too baby." He said, trying to keep his composure. He grabbed his thighs and lifted the younger up, carrying him over towards the bedroom.

"Where are you taking me?" Soobin laughed, clearly enjoying being carried.

"To bed." Yeonjun answered, mirroring Soobin's laugh.

"Nooo ~ we need to shower." Soobin yelped as he was thrown onto Yeonjun's bed. He smiled widely as he watched Yeonjun climb over to him, settling between his legs.

"It's fine love, we'll need to shower after this anyways."


More fluff? Oh goodness I don't know what's happening to me ㅜㅜ

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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