•.Fun Fuck.• (M)

467 19 132

Long days. Long nights. Stress reliefs needed.

Soobin laid down on his bed and scrolled through his phone. He felt like he needed something. It had been awhile since he had gotten laid. Sunghoon was the last person he did it with and that was around a month ago. It's been two months since he's even talked to Yeonjun.

He wanted Sunghoon back home to help him with his raging hormones but to no avail. Sunghoon was literally out of town visiting his parents. So were the all of his other members. Soobin didn't go to see his parents because his parents were on a vacation in Vietnam.

Lucky fuckers.

Soobin thought about other options. He could go to a club alone. No, that's too risky and dangerous. He didn't have any of his old hookups numbers except Yeonjun's. Soobin groaned in annoyance and flipped onto his stomach. He and Yeonjun hadn't talked since Soobin told him to 'fuck off'.

Now, Soobin had felt bad for telling the older man off like that but he was overwhelmed in the moment. And he was embarrassed of his thighs and his cuts being seen. He was so vulnerable and it was around someone he barely knew. But for some reason he knew he could trust Yeonjun? Like he knew the older wouldn't tell anyone what he had done to himself or what they had done together.

Maybe Yeonjun will understand me?

He scrolled through his contacts before clicking on the one he was looking for. He pressed call before holding the phone up to his ear. It rang for a little bit before the person on the other line answered.


"Hi...Can you come over? I kind of wanna get laid right now."

The silence on the other end felt almost deafening before they started speaking again.

"That's quite bold considering you ghosted me two months."

"Yeonjun you have to understand that I don't know you. You're just a fun fuck. And right now I don't have anyone else."

"Oh so that's how it is? I'm just a toy for you? Someone you can just throw away and pick up again whenever you want. Really Soobin?"

"Did you expect us to be more? I feel like I've always made it clear that I didn't want a boyfriend."


The line went dead and Soobin checked his phone. "Did he really just hang up on me?" Soobin threw his phone onto his bed and dropped his head onto his pillow. He was just going to have to jerk off or something.

Right as he was turning to grab his lube from the bottom drawer of his bedside table his phone buzzed.

Send me your address and give me 20 minutes.

All Soobin could do was smile. He's just as desperate as him.


Soobin waited for what seemed like much longer than 20 minutes and he was starting to think he got lead on. He knows it would be deserved.

He was about to just call it a night and go to sleep when he heard someone knock on the door. He got up from his bed and wandered through the dorm to get to the front door. He opened it to see Yeonjun. He smiled at the older softly. The elder did the same.

Once the two were back in Soobin's room they sat down on the bed together. Neither could ignore the awkward tension. I mean, they haven't seen each other for two months. Soobin watched as Yeonjun leaned in closer and took initiative.

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