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Soobin didn't stay the night at Yeonjun's house. He still had a job. After he was done crying he thanked Yeonjun and left, leaving him alone. Yeonjun was more than confused. He already called his driver and was able to leave the college grounds as soon as he left the dormitories.

Once he was back in the safety of his own home, he noticed everyone watching a movie in the living room. It was a normal occurrence. However, Soobin didn't join them. He felt so exhausted and mentally drained that he headed straight for his bed. He could feel the burn from his cuts rubbing against his clothes and his heart ached. How could he be so careless? He willingly went to have sex with Yeonjun knowing he had cuts on his legs. God he felt stupid.

He eventually was lulled into a deep sleep by the soothing scent on Yeonjun's clothes.


The next day Soobin had an appointment with him and his members. He was so tired and exhausted that he didn't even take into account that his stylist had to measure him again for their b-side mv.

He was fine until the legs. His eyes shot open as she measured his knees circumference. He looked around the room, seeing that his members were all busy with their own measurements and stylists. He looked back down at his stylist and just prayed they didn't do his thighs. But he knew they would.

Soon the poor lady moved the measuring tape to his upper thigh, tightening it. Soobin held in a painful breath. He tried holding onto himself for some sort of grounding and it helped. Luckily the stylist knew what she was doing so she was done measuring within seconds. Soobin let out a shaky breath as he felt a dripping sensation run down his thigh.


He apologized to his stylist and asked to use the restroom. She said yes, of course and he ran out of the room and down the hall.

When he got into the bathroom he pulled his sweatpants down and felt tears start running down his cheeks and he saw the state of his thighs. A few cuts had opened back up and blood was running down his thighs.

"Fuck nonononono..."

He quickly grabbed some toilet paper. He pressed the paper against his legs and leaned against the sink until he felt like it was safe to stop. He was grateful he picked black sweatpants to wear. He exited and headed back to the room where the rest were.


Are you okay?

Do you want to meet up again?

How are you today?

Please just text me back.

Even if you text me and say to fuck off- please just text me.

Soobin stared at the texts on his phone. It had been around three days since the two men had hooked up and Soobin had ghosted him. He felt so ashamed of himself for being so reckless. How could he text Yeonjun back. Why was Yeonjun even texting him? Was he pitying him? But why? He barely knows him.

Soobin just picked up his phone and texted back to get his thoughts out.

Fuck off.


Filler chapter. I came down with the flu recently and I'm very sorry for this short chapter I feel bad.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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