•.I'll See You There Tomorrow.•

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Yeonjun sat in class staring at his phone. How was he supposed to text Soobin? He had the man's number but he didn't know how to text his bias. He hasn't even told the other he was a fan. Would Soobin get creeped out and think he's trying to get something out of him because he knows he famous?

He pushed away his thoughts and started typing.

Hey. You free sometime this week?

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and turned off his phone. He didn't know when Soobin would see the message but he felt himself smiling at the realization that he actually had texted his idol. He felt delirious.

"Yeonjun hyung!" Yeonjun looked to where his name was called and saw Wooyoung and Changbin walking towards his seat in the classroom. They sat down next to him.

"Did you get your results from our last exam yet?" Changbin asked, getting his laptop out of his bag.

"Yeah I got an 87 what about you guys?"

Changbin smirked and looked over at Wooyoung. He looked over too and saw Wooyoung glaring at the short one.

"Wooyoungie here got a 21." Changbin giggled.

"Fuck you," Wooyoung muttered.

"I fucked your mom last night." Changbin replied.

Yeonjun moved his chair out of the way as Wooyoung lunged at the pocket sized man, wrapping his hands around his throat.



"Guys the professors looking at us."


Soobin was sat on the floor of their practice room, stretching before dance practice. He chuckled at something Sunoo had said, finding him complaining funny.

"Hyunggg it's not funny I'm genuinely concerned for my hair! If they keep bleaching it I'm going to end up looking like that one America commercial guy. Mr Clean I think his name is?" Sunoo said, fiddling with his hair as he also stretched.

"Sunoo your hair is the healthiest out of all of us so I think you'll be okay." Soobin replied as he laughed at the thought of bald Sunoo.

"Whatever. You don't understand." Sunoo then got up to go put on his dance shoes. With his stretching being done the blond picked up his phone.

Hey. You free sometime this week?

Soobin smiled seeing that the older texted him. He decided to respond, telling himself he'll ask about whoever 'Beomie' is later.

Yeah. Why what's up?

He got a response almost instantly.

I wanted to know if I could make it up to you. You know, for ditching you that night.

Soobin sighed, knowing he got his hopes up thinking the older wanted to just have an innocent conversation. But he wasn't going to turn down a good hook up either.

Okay. I'm free tomorrow night. Does that work?

That works perfectly. I'll send you my address?

Yeah. I'll see you there tomorrow.


Filler chapter, sorry.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼



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