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"Yeonjun...I like you too."

The two had made out afterwards. Nothing more. Then Yeonjun had asked what they do now that they've both confessed.

Soobin didn't have an answer to that question.

So Yeonjun took Soobin's hand. Pulling him over to the bed where they cuddled for the rest of the night, talking about innocent things such as their favorite colors and favorite childhood memories until they both fell asleep, tired from the whirlwind of emotions they've been through in just that night alone.

When the morning came the two opened their eyes, smiling fondly at the others sleepy eyes and bed head before the two decided it was now best to talk about their confessions and what they'd do now.

"I think...we should wait until the school year ends. I really like you Choi Soobin but-"

A 'but' was never good.

"I have to pass my exams. They're coming up in three weeks and I can't give you the treatment you deserve and study at the same time. So..."


"Will you wait for me?"

Soobin hadn't said yes faster in his life.


It's now been two weeks and Soobin felt like he had been going crazy. His idol life hadn't slowed down. Constant interviews and dance practices. Going to sleep late and waking up early with no breaks all day gave him no time to text Yeonjun back. The only time he could text him back was when he was going to the bathroom...

It wasn't cutting it.

Soobin just had to keep reminding himself that Yeonjun's college graduation was a week away. Just. One. Week. Away.

He also had to remind himself to ask his boss for a break soon. The rule was to ask in advance or else your chances of being let on a break were slim. So he sent in his request for a break, not just for him but for the entire group.

It made sense to go on a break right now too. They hadn't been doing anything too important. It's been months since their last comeback so there was no more promotions that needed to be done, there was no tour being scheduled, no new album that they were working on. So in fact, this was the perfect time to ask for a break.

It only took two days, five days before Yeonjun's graduation, and his group got an email from their manager saying that PD-nim is allowing them to have a month long break.

"A month?!" Niki exclaimed. "Does this mean I could go back to Japan for a bit?"

"PD-nim must be proud of us if he's giving us this much time to relax." Sunghoon said.

"That or he's letting us rest because after our break we'll have some insane schedules." Jay responded.

"Shut up Jay." Jake scoffed.

"Jake don't. But anyways Niki I'll pay for your flight back to Japan, you deserve to see your family. Have fun okay?" Soobin said as he gave to younger pats on the top of his head.

Soobin couldn't stop smiling at his members talking about their plans and what they wanted to do during break, but he just kept to himself the entire time.

Soobin just couldn't wait to have a whole month spent figuring out what this was with Yeonjun.


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