•. Ever since I saw you.•

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Yeonjun was grinding on Beomgyu.

The pair were wasted, but they knew what they were doing. They were single best friends and they would always be each other's dance partners when they weren't with other people. Yeonjun and Beomgyu were also a lot of each other's firsts.

They were each others first kisses, gave each other their first hickeys, gave each other head for the first time, lost their virginities to each other, you know, the normal best friend things. They never told anyone they did those things, they didn't think anyone would understand that they were just friends. So they only did those things behind closed doors. And it was fun.

It started in their second year of high school. Everyone was turning 16 and everyone had new stories each week about how they had lost their virginities or had their first kisses. Yeonjun and Beomgyu felt left behind. In the midst of one of their pity parties, they found themselves in Beomgyu's room venting to each other.

"I want to know why everyone's so addicted to sex and kissing. It can't be that good right?" Beomgyu asked as he laid on his bed, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to his ceiling. He felt the bed dip as Yeonjun joined him on the mattress. More so joined him by sitting on his lap.

"Beom...could we help each other...find out why people love kissing so much?" He said to the younger, curiosity filling his tone. And of course, being just as curious as he'd always been, Beomgyu said yes.

Currently Yeonjun was standing behind Beomgyu in the middle of whatever room they were in, stuck in between sweaty bodies of drunk college kids. Yeonjun had his hands placed on Beomgyu hips, holding him tightly and pulling him closer. Beomgyu had both of his hands placed on top of Yeonjun's, grinding his ass aggressively on Yeonjun's front, trying to get as much friction as he could. Yeonjun was just as desperate for sweet friction and so his hips moved too, moving against Beomgyu's butt. Yeonjun could feel his senses being heightened as he quickened his pace and started to kiss at Beomgyu's neck from behind. Beomgyu made tiny groans as Yeonjun sucked onto his sweet spot underneath his ear. He knew exactly where the boys sweet spot was from years of experience. Yeonjun separated from the younger and was about to take Beomgyu upstairs to one of the bedrooms before he looked over up and made eye contact with a certain blonde he didn't think he'd ever see again.


Soobin watched as he saw Yeonjun grinding on another man. He was almost mesmerized by how attractive Yeonjun looked while doing dirty things. He felt his dick twitch with interest. He hadn't forgotten about the older since he had seen him at the bar. He was a good looking man so of course he would think about him if they only had met a few days ago. He had regretted not sleeping with him at first but he had gotten over it. Instead he just made Sunghoon fuck him. Now, however, he wanted nothing more than to have Yeonjun fuck into him.

He watched as Yeonjun started to pull away and grab the other man's wrist and pull him through the crowd before the raventette and blonde made eye contact. Yeonjun let go of the man's wrist and Soobin saw him turn around to whisper something in his ear before he walked over to the younger man.

"Hi." Soobin said. Yeonjun smiled in response. Soobin examined the olders face. The swollen lips, red cheeks and glazed eyes. The boy seemed less interested in the younger which made the blonde boys confidence sink but he kept his head up. He was going to get what he wanted tonight.

He's so pretty. I should've told him that the other day.

The awkwardness was making itself present the longer the two stood there so Soobin decided he needed to make the situation better. He grabbed Yeonjun and pulled him through the crowds of people and the two ended up at the bar in the mansion. "I'll pay for the shots!" Soobin yelled out to Yeonjun. Yeonjun nodded. The two were given 12 shots - 6 for each. Soobin hadn't asked Yeonjun's preference in alcohol so he decided to get what they had order at the club. He hoped it was enough. They started taking the shots together.

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