•. What the fuck are you doing? .•

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Soobin watched as the black-haired male lip-synced to the club's music with his eyes closed. He unknowingly smiled at the shorter male as he found peace in watching the male be so carefree after being anxious about not being able to dance earlier.

He let himself and the other relax to the music until the song had ended and once it did he led the two off of the dance floor and towards the bar.

Soobin had sobered up a tiny bit after dancing for well over 40 minutes so he decided to drunken himself up again.

He sat himself down at the bar pulling Yeonjun along with him. Yeonjun nervously sat down next to the blonde male before trying to make himself focus on the music again so he wouldn't get nervous.

"What's your name?" Soobin said over the music.

"Huh? O-oh Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun. " Yeonjun replied timidly. He cringed inwardly for stuttering.

"Nice name..." Soobin replied trying to think of something else to say. Luckily the bartender came over to the pair before he could say anything.

"Can we have 5 shots of tequila each please?" Soobin asked the bartender kindly. The bartender nodded before turning away to get the order.

"Five? Are you trying to kill me?" Yeonjun said with a chuckle.

Soobin turned towards Yeonjun smiling before leaning in and whispering, "Nooo~ not yet at least."

Yeonjun turned stiff after that, refusing to make eye contact with Soobin even after their shots had arrived.

"Yeonjun come on I was joking let's just take shots I'm sorry..." Soobin said, slightly pouting.

Yeonjun turned to look at Soobin and then the ten shots lined up in front of the two males.

The headache tomorrow will be shit...


The pair were 7 shots in both laughing at something stupid Yeonjun had said. Their laughter calmed down and the two sat in awkward silence.

Yeonjun played with an empty shot bottle in his hand, trying to avoid Soobin's eyes. He was nervous, to say the least. He didn't want Soobin to know he knew who he was. He wanted Soobin to enjoy going to the club like a normal person.

He could feel Soobin's gaze on him which made his face heat up. He took another shot before turning his head to look at Soobin. He saw the blonde quickly look away to try and hide the fact he wasn't staring. Yeonjun chuckled.

"Am I that good-looking?" Yeonjun asked Soobin, suddenly finding some confidence.

Soobin seemed taken off guard by the question and turned towards Yeonjun before smiling shyly and uttering, "Don't get too confident. Maybe I was staring because you have something on your face."

Yeonjun's smile quickly disappeared as he touched his face trying to figure out if something was on him. There wasn't.

Soobin laughed dryly at the older before taking another shot, "Sorry- there wasn't anything there."

"Yeah other than handsomeness," Yeonjun smirked.

Soobin laughed loudly at this, making his bunny smile and dimples pop out. "That was terrible." Soobin laughed.

Yeonjun smiled at the man before taking the last shot they had lined up in front of them. He scrunched up his face at the burning feeling that went down his throat and spread through his chest.

He turned his gaze back towards the blonde before seeing his face close to his own. Soobin looked at the older's full lips before looking up to make eye contact with Yeonjun. Yeonjun's breath hitched as Soobin leaned in closer, their noses now touching. Soobin tilted his head as he inched towards the other male. He didn't know why he decided to kiss the black-haired male but something in him craved some sort of touch from the older. He was about to close the small gap that was in between their lips before Soobin was pulled back harshly.

"Soobin what the fuck are you doing?"


I honestly have no A/N

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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