•.The Truth Untold.•

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"Get out."

Soobin's words were like a slap in the face. Yeonjun jerked his face towards the younger in shock.

"What?" He asked.

He watched as Soobin let out a sigh, his body sinking into the bed. "I want to be alone."

Yeonjun's brows furrowed as he sat up, back facing Soobin. He turned to look at him and Soobin's heart clenched at the disgusted expression on the older man's face.

"Why do you use me like this? Why am I being treated like I'm a toy Soobin?" Yeonjun looked at Soobin expectantly, waiting for an answer. But once he realized the younger wasn't going to say anything he scoffed. He got off the bed and started pulling his clothes on, refusing to look at Soobin who was now also putting his clothes on.

He still refused to look at the other man as he walked out into the hallway traveling to the front door. He grabbed his bag that he had brought along and was about to walk out of the dorm when he felt Soobin hug him from behind.

He felt himself freeze as he felt tears wet the back of his shirt. He was confused. First Soobin wanted him to get out and now he's stopping him from leaving?

"I c-changed my mind...I don't want to be alone. D-don't go." Soobin spoke through broken cries. Yeonjun took no time before he turned around and held Soobin in his arms.

A part of Yeonjun felt like he should've just left. Like he shouldn't have given in. But he's a gentle person. His mom calls him 'healing' for a reason.

Soobin started to lose strength from crying so much and was sinking down to the floor, Yeonjun kneeling down with him. Yeonjun continued holding the sobbing Soobin as the two men sat on floor, Soobin holding onto the older tightly.

"I-I'm so sorry Yeonjun. I didn't mean to ghost you like that. W-well I did but-" Soobin started saying. Yeonjun let a chuckle slip past his lips.

"I just mean, I-I never w-wanted my absence to hurt y-you. I didn't think y-you cared. I thought we were just supposed to b-be one night stands."

Yeonjun held Soobin closer as he began to cry harder. "I feel s-so bad."

Yeonjun shushed the younger and assured him it was okay before picking him up, bridal style, towards his bedroom. The floor was starting to get uncomfortable.

Once the two were lying on the bed again Soobin immediately cuddled up to Yeonjun, crying even harder. Yeonjun just cradled him slightly, whispering sweet nothings into his ears.


It had been an hour. Soobin had stopped crying and now the two were just cuddling in his bed. Yeonjun was happy that his idol hadn't pushed him away this time. But why had he cried? What was going on? He looked down towards their legs that were intertwined, seeing healed scars on his thighs mixed with fresh ones. He sighed and looked away.

He's still hurting himself.

"I'm sorry for ghosting you." Soobin spoke suddenly. His voice was scratchy and dry from all of the crying. He looked into Yeonjun's eyes only to look away.

"But," yeonjun started, "why? Why did you disappear all of a sudden?"

He watched as Soobin closed his eyes, holding Yeonjun less tight. Then Soobin sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in his lower regions. Yeonjun sat up too.

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