•.First Date.•

201 18 25

Yeonjun's graduation came sooner than expected.

Yeonjun held his college diploma and walked off of the stage, smiling as he caught sight of his friends in the crowd.

He smiled at them, then turned his gaze to look around at the doors scattered around the auditorium. His smile grew tenfold as he saw a certain masked man leaning against the wall next to one of the doors. Soobin was there, right where he promised he would be.

He waved at him before going to sit down, now impatiently waiting for the ceremony to end. It wasn't too long of a wait fortunately since Yeonjun was one of the last to walk but it still felt like too long of a wait now that he could feel Soobin's gaze on the back of his neck. He just wanted to leave.

Finally, once the last name was announced, the graduating class stood up, holding onto their tassel, and finally put it onto the other side of their cap. The graduating class threw their caps up into the air, everyone laughing and screaming. Some people hugged their friends around them, some going to find their family members but for Yeonjun, he ran straight towards Soobin.

He crashed into him, both of their arms wrapping around one another tightly. It felt so right to finally see him again after not seeing him for three whole weeks. He snuggled his face into the youngers neck, the other doing the same.

It was such an intimate hug shared in such a public place but neither cared. This was about them.

And no one could tell it was Soobin anyways.

"I missed you hyung." Soobin said, his breath fanning onto the older's neck. Yeonjun pulled back to smile at him. He could tell the younger one did the same as he saw the youngers eyes turn into crescents.

"I missed you too baby." Yeonjun grabbed onto the youngers hands and then walked out of the auditorium, walking out to Yeonjun's car.

Once the two got into the car Soobin took off his mask and hat, knowing Yeonjun's car windows were tinted. Yeonjun quickly took advantage of that moment and grabbed Soobin by his nape, crashing their lips together.

They both smiled into the kiss, feeling happy that they were back in each other's arms after those weeks without any sign of one another. They both pulled away from the kiss, their lips pink.

"Are you ready for our date?" Yeonjun asked, smiling even harder as he watched an aggressive blush appear on Soobin's face.

The younger nodded and took ahold on Yeonjun's hand. "I'm excited to see what you planned."


The car parked in the parking garage of a huge restaurant. It was fancy and Soobin was nervous and insecure thinking he was underdressed for the occasion but Yeonjun reassured him.

Soobin and Yeonjun held hands as they walked into the restaurant. Soobin had his mask and hat on again, almost immediately thinking about how the hell he was going to eat without being caught.

But to his surprise this was a restaurant with private rooms. Yeonjun really did think of everything.

They sat down and ordered some alcohol, Soobin taking off his hat and mask. He looked down at his hands when he realized how Yeonjun was admiring him.

After a good while of them talking and laughing and drinking their alcohol Yeonjun's smile disappeared.


"Yes hyung?"

"What's on your mind? I can tell you're a bit distracted."

Soobin couldn't help but tense up. He still hadn't told Yeonjun about kissing Sunghoon. He hadn't even told him that him and Sunghoon used to be fuck buddies either. But he didn't want to bring it up during their date. It would make everything awkward.

"Soobin please tell me. I want you to be able to talk to me." Yeonjun reached over the table, entangling his own hands with Soobin's. He watched as the blonde let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment.

Honesty is going to get you somewhere. Lying is going to get you nowhere. So tell him.

"I didn't tell you everything that night when I opened up to you." Soobin could hear Yeonjun suck in a sharp breath. "Sunghoon, my group member and I have been sleeping together since we debuted. We've been fuck buddies for years."

Soobin's heart broke silently when Yeonjun removed their hands, putting them in his own lap as he remained silent. Soobin kept going.

"But there's never been any romantic feelings between us. Or not that I know of. We both just like having sex so we decided to do it together. But hyung, I haven't slept with him at all since we confessed to each other. I really like you. A lot."

Soobin breathed in and out before saying this last part, hoping for the best. "But a few days ago...Sunghoon kissed me. And I kissed back. It was out of instinct because that was natural for me. But I pushed him away. I ended things with Sunghoon and I told him we're just friends and group members now. Because I like you and I want you. But I understand if you feel uncomfortable now or you can't forgive me. I do understand."

It felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as he let out a sigh. He looked up to see Yeonjun staring at him. The fondness in his gaze gone completely. He was nervous for what he was going to say.

"Soobin...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous and angry. I mean, Sunghoon's touching what's mine so of course I'm not ecstatic but...I understand. You kissed him back because that was only a natural and familiar thing for you." Yeonjun replied, looking down at his plate of food.

"And if you're worried that you cheated on me...you didn't. We haven't talked about if we're in a relationship yet so no, you didn't cheat on me. And I forgive you. However, I now have something to tell you too."

Soobin smiled and nodded, if Yeonjun could forgive him for something like this then he could listen to anything he said and not be upset.

"I had a fuck buddy too before our confessions. It was my best friend. You know, Beomgyu. We've been friends for years and we were each other's firsts. I haven't done anything with him in months though. We just crave touch sometimes and it's the easiest to just ask each other for that. But I want you just as much Soobin so i told Beomgyu a few days ago that we should stop doing those activities. He wasn't upset and he understood it. We're still best friends. I just wanted to come clean because you were too. I didn't tell you initially because I didn't want you to have any negative thoughts or feelings towards Beomgyu."

Yeonjun was surprised by Soobin laughing. "So we both had fuck buddies? Oh god hyung, we're really horny aren't we?" Yeonjun couldn't help but start laughing too.

They were okay. Of course they were.

By the end of the dinner the two men left the restaurant, going back to the parking garage to locate Yeonjun's car and then getting inside. Soobin smiled over towards Yeonjun and he put on Enhypen songs to play in the car.

Yeonjun turned to look at the younger as well and took his hand.

"Soobin, would you like to come back home with me tonight?"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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