•.The Calm Before the Storm.•

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A bright glow illuminated Yeonjun's dorm, making it hard for Soobin to open his eyes fully. He looked over towards Yeonjun, admiring his sleeping face, his lips pulled into a pout.

He was perfect.

Soobin kept his gaze on the older even as he saw the fox eyes open, setting their gaze on the bunny.

Yeonjun chuckled, noticing Soobin's smile and he mirrored the expression, feeling just as happy. He rolled over to face the younger, propping himself up on one elbow as he reached out to brush a strand of hair behind Soobin's ear.

"Did you sleep well?" Soobin asked quietly, trying not to disturb the peace.

"I had a good sleep. It definitely helped that I had a beautiful boy beside me."

"Oh please, You only had a good sleep because I gave you a blowjob" Soobin as he pushed him away.

Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise at Soobin's blunt words, and he quickly grabbed his arms to pull Soobin back towards him.

"Hey! Are you trying to tease me first thing in the morning? Because it's working."

"Don't get hard already Yeonjun, it's 7AM." Soobin said slyly, smirking.

Yeonjun smiled, rolling his eyes. "It's not my fault you're looking so damn irresistible. But you're right, it's too early in the morning for that. We need to get up and start the day."

"Awww...I was hoping you'd actually just stay in bed with me all day"

Yeonjun's expression softened at the blonde's words, the thought awfully tempting. He wrapped an arm around Soobin's naked waist and pulled him closer, his fingers tracing lazy patterns onto his skin.

"Trust me, I would love nothing more than to stay in bed with you all day. But we have responsibilities, unfortunately. We can't just ignore the rest of the world, as much as l'd like to."

"Yeah whatever" Soobin said as he pushed him off of himself, pouting.

Yeonjun let out a playful pout as he was pushed away, pretending to be hurt. He rolled onto his back, flinging an arm over his eyes dramatically.

"Fine, go ahead and break my heart. I guess I'll just lay here all alone, feeling rejected and unloved."

"Yeah you do that, I'm going to shower."

Yeonjun giggled, sounding cute, dropping the act and lifting his arm to watch as Soobin stood up and headed towards the bathroom. He watched the others body for a moment, his eyes trailing over his curves before he spoke up.

"Hey, before you go in... " Yeonjun spoke up.

Soobin stopped, turning around to make eye contact.

Yeonjun propped himself up on one elbow, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Soobin with a lazy smirk. "You mind if I join you in the shower?"

Soobin smirked back and walked out of the room backwards "If you can catch up, yes."

Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise, a grin spreading across his face as he quickly got out of bed and followed after the taller. "Oh you cheeky little minx, you're on."

Soobin laughed loudly, the sound echoing, running to the bathroom and trying to reach it before the raven-haired man could catch up.

Yeonjun was surprisingly really fast and he reached out, grabbing Soobin around the waist, pulling him back against him as he stepped into the bathroom with Soobin.

"Gotcha. You're not fast enough, baby."

Soobin scoffed playfully and pushed him away "Just turn on the shower already-"

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