•. Distracted .•

477 31 17

Yeonjun woke up in his bed the next day with a pounding headache.

"Fucking hell...." He groaned sitting up. He looked around before widening his eyes. He met and hung out with his idol the night before. He smiled but his smile quickly disappeared as he remembered how Soobin had called him ugly. What about his pride?

He rolled his eyes before standing up and walking over to his shower. He felt sticky and gross from the night before.

After he got out of the shower he quickly got dressed in a white shirt and jeans. He didn't forget his sunglasses also because of his killing hangover. He wanted to have some alone time before Beomgyu woke up and annoyed him so he left the dorms.

He walked out of his school dorms and walked downtown. He soon entered Seoul's best café and sat down at a booth alone.

"Maybe it's because of the lighting in the club. Maybe that's why I looked ugly. Yeah, that must be it. I'm not uglier than most, I'd say I'm pretty average." Yeonjun thought while looking out at Seoul's busy morning streets. "I'm more handsome than Beomgyu. But then again everyone is better looking than him." Yeonjun then smiled and nodded at his remark.

"Maybe He thinks I'm ugly because he's an Idol. He's surrounded by good-looking guys every day! I mean he lives with the members of Enhypen for god's sake. He's always surrounded by visuals so of course I'd look ugly compared to what he's used to seeing."

Yeonjun shook his head sadly once he realized that during his venting session with himself, he had finished his Americano. He was disappointed he didn't even get to enjoy his drink because he was so distracted. He stood up slowly since he was still hungover and then threw the coffee away before exiting the shop and heading back towards the dorms.


"Bin? Soobin!" Jungwon yelled in Soobin's ear. They were in their dance room. Soobin looked up at Jungwon from his place on the floor. "Yes?"

Jungwon stood there in annoyance before he rolled his eyes and walked away from the blondie. Soobin looked around in confusion before locking eyes with Niki who said, "You've been stretching for 30 minutes..."

Soobin's eyes widened as he quickly stood up and got into position for their title Song. "Sorry guys."

The rest of the members just simply nodded and also got into their starting positions for their title song.

During the practice, Soobin made several mistakes. It didn't make anyone upset, it just made everyone worried. Soobin never told them why he had been crying at night and they never brought up the argument they had before they went to the club so no one knew how to help Soobin.

Soobin looked up after the song ended and saw his members looking at him with slight worry and clear confusion. He turned his eyes to the floor before walking away, grabbing his bag, and leaving the dance room. He didn't want to talk to them. He knew they might try to bring up the topic of him being distracted lately. He doesn't want to tell anyone. He's fine not burdening his members.

As long as they're safe from the staff member that had been hurting him since recording, he's okay being a little distracted.


Yeonjun entered his first class lecture of the day and was looking for a place to sit. He looked around and when he saw Wooyoung he ran over to him and took a seat next to him.

"Are you seriously wearing sunglasses? We went to the club two days ago." Yeonjun said in disbelief at Wooyoung, who was wearing oddly big black sunglasses. Wooyoung just nodded and turned his attention to getting his notebooks out of his bag.

"Whatever Woo, you do you," Yeonjun said, now also doing the same as Wooyoung.

The lecture soon started but Yeonjun didn't hear a single thing the teacher said. He thought back on Soobin and him dancing in the club. Vivid memories flooded in of his hands on the blonde's thin waist and Soobin's fingers gripping his shoulders. He remembers the smell of lavender and sweat mixed in a slightly erotic way. He remembered sitting at the bar before Soobin's face was close to his, both leaning in slightly before Sunghoon interrupted-

"Choi Yeonjun."

Yeonjun snapped out of his daze and looked straight ahead, making eye contact with his professor. He froze. Shit shit shit I don't know what we're talking about.

Yeonjun just stared at the teacher not answering out of fear until the teacher spoke again. "Getting distracted won't help you graduate college Choi. Stay focused." The Professor then turned around towards the front, his back now facing the students.

Yeonjun let out a sigh, visibly upset with himself. He looked over at Wooyoung who had a smile on his face like he was trying to keep in a laugh. Yeonjun's eyebrows furrowed at Wooyoung thinking this is funny and stomped on Wooyoung's foot.

"OW YOU BITCH" Wooyoung said very loudly alerting the teacher.



GUYS! Txt just released a small part of "Do It Like That" with the Jonas brothers and it sounds so good! Im so excited for it to be released!!

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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