•. Not even that pretty .•

547 35 43

"Soobin what the fuck are you doing?"

Soobin turned around to see who yanked him away from Yeonjun as he was about to kiss him. Embarrassing.

Sunghoon stood in front of him with his eyebrows furrowed and eyes holding many emotions. Soobin sat on his seat at the bar, not uttering a word to Sunghoon, embarrassed for himself as he could feel Yeonjun's gaze from behind him. A couple more seconds go by before Sunghoon turns his attention toward Yeonjun and says with a sarcastic smile, "I'll be taking him for a moment, bye-bye." Then Sunghoon grabs Soobin by his wrist and drags him towards the bathroom.

Once they got to the restroom Sunghoon shoves Soobin into a stall and locks the two inside. He turns to the blonde before asking angrily, "What were you trying to do?"

Soobin scoffs before leaning against the stall walls. "I think it was pretty obvious Hoon." He replied.

"Soobin you're an Idol-"

"I'm also an adult."

"You're reputation matter more than getting dick trust me Soobin-"

"Hoon, respectfully, I think that this situation doesn't involve you. He's not even that pretty Hoon. He's just someone I bumped into and I wanted to make him feel better. Besides I'm not going to sleep with him. You know I only sleep with you."

Sunghoon was flustered by Soobin's words and looked away from the taller, avoiding eye contact. Soobin noticed this.

Soobin walked over towards Sunghoon before grabbing his face between his face and smashing their lips together. Sunghoon took control of the kiss by grabbing the blonde's waist and pressing their bodies together against the stall door. He pinched Soobin's waist, earning a moan from the taller. Before things could get any further, however, Soobin pulled away from Sunghoon and smirked. "See? You don't have to worry. I'm your fuck buddy not his." Then he pushed Sunghoon away from him and left the bathrooms, searching for a certain black-haired male he had been forced to leave alone.


Yeonjun had left the bar counter a while ago and was now back with Changbin and Wooyoung just talking drunkenly. He looked around, wondering where the rest of his friends had gone.

"I miss having someone to kiss and fuck, you know? Like I feel like I'm part of a sex retreat now that I haven't been laid in Four months." Wooyoung whined to Yeonjun and Changbin.

"What the fuck do you want us to do about that?" Changbin said, clearly disturbed by the thought of even holding hands with Wooyoung.

Yeonjun looked around before getting up, stumbling slightly. He noticed how Soobin had been in the bathroom for a little longer than expected and his curiosity was killing him. He turned towards his friends before saying "Be right back." And then stumbling towards the bathroom.

When he entered the restroom he immediately shut himself up and tried to be as quiet as possible. He heard a voice that he recognized as Soobin's saying, "He's not even that pretty Hoon. He's just someone I bumped into and I wanted to make him feel better. Besides I'm not going to sleep with him."

Yeonjun felt his heart twinge at that. Of course, he knew Soobin and he was never going to even think about each other after tonight but did he have to call him ugly? Did Soobin just want to make him feel better because he bumped into him and not because he was starting to think he was an interesting person? He walked out of the restroom quickly, trying to leave fast in case Soobin or Sunghoon leave and see him close by. Yeonjun's pride was hurt because of Soobin's words so he decided right then and there that he was going to hide from the Idol until Beomgyu decided to drive him back home which was hopefully soon.

I try to be nice just to get called ugly by my idol. Lucky me...

Am I, not even that pretty?


Soobin walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face walking back towards the bar counter where he expected Yeonjun was going to be sitting. He was excited to flirt with the pretty ravenette again. However, his smile faded once he saw that the older man was no longer sitting at the bar counter waiting for him. He was upset and decided to walk around and try to look for Yeonjun. There was something about the black-haired male that he liked. He wanted to be around Yeonjun until he had to go back to the dorms.

He walked through the dance floor and found no sign of the shorter man before he decided to go walk around the bar tables. After only a minute or so he finally saw Yeonjun sitting with two other men. He saw Yeonjun laugh at something the more muscular man of the two had said. He watched as Yeonjun's smile was shown and for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to look away from the man's face. He's so pretty.

He finally blinked and looked away from the view of Yeonjun. He's never stared at anyone like that. He badly wanted to be around the older for some unknown reason, even if he'd only had about 3 conversations with the male. He looked back over at Yeonjun before smiling.

I'll let him be. He looks happy right now.

And with that, Soobin walked away from Yeonjun. He didn't know the man. He'll be okay leaving him alone and just remembering his pretty face.


Late Night writing seems to be trending for me ig

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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