•.Jealous Much?.• (M)

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When Yeonjun asked Soobin if he wanted to go home with him Soobin thought they would go back to Yeonjun's dorm room.

However, as they drove for what was one hour, it turned into two, and then two turned into three. Soobin started to get curious. With anyone else he would feel scared, or nervous but he felt safe with Yeonjun. He's always safe with Yeonjun.

He looked out of his window to see...

"A beach?! Where are we?!" Soobin said aloud, breaking the silence that had engulfed the two men. Yeonjun chuckled as he briefly looked over to the younger, smiling fondly as he turned his attention back onto the road.

"We're in Yangyang." Yeonjun replied. He saw out of the corner of his eyes that Soobin had whipped his head around to look at the older.

"Yangyang?! You took me all the way out to Yangyang?!" Soobin screeched. Yeonjun smiled sheepishly before responding.

"I didn't mean that you should come to my house back at the dorms. I meant my home."

Soobin was still confused by everything until he realized Soobin had pulled into a driveway. A driveway of a beautiful beach house. It was a two story, probably fit for a family of eight. Soobin jumped out of the car once Yeonjun put it in park to stare at the house.

He felt arms wrap around him, engulfing him in a back hug. A gentle breeze brushed against them as they stayed there for a moment, drinking in this moment. Soobin shivered as he felt Yeonjun press a kiss to the back of neck.

"Go inside, I need to bring our suitcases in." Yeonjun said softly. Soobin turned around, still in his embrace, looking confused again.

"But I didn't bring a suitcase? I didn't even know we were coming all the way out of Seoul." Soobin watched as Yeonjun smiled widely and let his arms fall from his waist.

"I kind of...packed some of my things and clothes for you because I knew you'd agree to come home with me. And I bought you the essentials like a toothbrush and whatnot." Soobin's jaw dropped slightly before his face broke out into a smile.

He's so sweet.

Soobin grabbed the older man's face in his hands and pressed a loving kiss onto his lips, their eyes closing and their bodies pressing together. Soobin loved that they were the only house on this part of the beach. Yeonjun was all his right now.

When they broke apart they both giggled, unable to look away from other. Yeonjun broke eye contact first, gently nudging the younger away towards the front door, but not before giving him the keys to the house. Soobin gladly turned and ran up to the front door, eager to see the inside of the large home.

When he walked inside he was in aw of house gorgeous it was. It look like a home straight out of a Ghibli movie. The green plants hanging from the ceiling or the piano in the corner of the living room all brought a certain type of piece to Soobin's soul. His favorite part was the porch in the back of the house, glass doors leading to it which brought so much light in, and also letting him see the sunset that was occurring. He knew he would have so much fun going out to the back porch and have straight access to the beach.

"Do you like it? I haven't been here in a good while so I'm sorry if-" Yeonjun's sentence was cut of by Soobin hugging him tightly, making him stumble a bit and having him accidentally knocking over one of the suitcases he brought in.

He heard Yeonjun chuckled before hugging him back, both feeling at ease.

"I take it that you like it here?"

Soobin couldn't help but nod at Yeonjun's question. "I love it hyung."

"I'm glad. My parents bought this place when I was young and then decided to gift it to me because they already had so many other vacations houses. They know how much I love Naksan beach." Yeonjun said as he turned around to go close and lock the front door.

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