•.Kiss and Make up.• (M)

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Soobin had gotten out of practice, rushing towards the cars waiting for him. It was now the day that he had planned to meet Yeonjun. He sat in the car squished up next to Heeseung and he felt all fidgety.

"Hyung what's up with you? You're never this fidgety." Heeseung asked the older one. Soobin laughed the question off and replied with a simple, "Just ready to get back home."

The cars pulled up to their dorms and they all exited, thanking their drivers before heading up to their apartment. Soobin rushed to his room, grabbing an outfit before calling dibs on the shower.

Once he got into the shower he made sure to wash all the sweat off of himself from the grueling practice. He also made sure to take 'extra care' of himself.

Once he got out of the shower he put on vanilla lotion and vanilla women's perfume, liking the smell better than cologne.

After that he dried his hair and styled it with precision, making sure it looked as shiny as it could be considering it was bleach blonde. Then he picked up his outfit. It was a black hoodie and baggy jeans. He picked out a hat and a mask. He still needed to make sure he was covered from the public eye and sasaengs. He also wore his converse and some white socks.

Once he was done dressing he told his members he was going to hang out with a friend and left, leaving his members confused at the sudden abandonment.

He had already asked one of the drivers to wait for him outside while he got ready so when he walked out of the dorm building he got back into the car without having to wait. He gave the driver the address Yeonjun had sent to him. He felt like he was forgetting something but he pushed his thoughts down and tried to relax.


Yeonjun sat on his bed, watching something on his laptop when receiving a text from Beomgyu.

I still don't understand why you had to kick me out of our apartment to fuck someone. Like you could've at least told me who is being brought over.

You know I don't want to tell you who's coming over. I wanted my privacy Beom. 

I live there too.

Yeah. Thanks again for staying at Changbin's tonight.

No problem.

Yeonjun felt nervous as he got a different text from Soobin saying he's outside of the dormitory. He jumped up and smoothed out his outfit, a black tank top and black sweatpants. He put on his slides and rushed out.

Once he was outside he could immediately tell who Soobin was. The only person in a hat and a mask. He watched as the taller one walked up to him and took his hand. He led him inside the dorms and the pair walked to the elevator.

"What are you wearing that mask for?" Yeonjun asked, still pretending he didn't know Soobin was an idol who needed to hide.

"Oh! U-uhm" Soobin stuttered. Luckily for him he didn't need to answer because the elevator door opened and let the two out. Yeonjun grabbed his hands again and led him to his dorm. As soon as they got inside Yeonjun locked the door and pushed Soobin onto the couch. Soobin must've pulled off his hat and mask while Yeonjun locked the door up because when he looked at him he looked perfect. He sat on the couch with his blonde hair glowing and his eyes sparkling.

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