•.I'm so so sorry.•

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!!Extreme warning for this chapter!!
!!Please read with caution!!

Yeonjun pushed his way through the crowds of people in the house, regretting leaving Beomgyu behind. Yeonjun's mind raced with thoughts of what could happen to Beomgyu alone at this party alone. He didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

He pushed through the crowds more and more until he reached the next door he saw. He really hoped it was where Beomgyu was. Beomgyu called him and told him drunkenly that he felt sick and he was in a bathroom. So Yeonjun had been looking throughout the entire house. This is the fourteenth door Yeonjun has checked.

He turned the doorknob and Yeonjun felt a huge weight leave his body once he saw Beomgyu sitting on the floor of the bathroom. Yeonjun slipped in and locked the door behind him.

"Beomie? You okay?" The older asked, rubbing the others back in comfort. It was then Yeonjun realized Beomgyu was crying.

"Woah woah woah. Beomgyu what happened? Are you okay? What?" Yeonjun asked in a panic, bringing Beomgyu closer and holding him. Beomgyu's sobs only became louder.

After a little while of Beomgyu crying, he got tired, his crying turning into soft pants. Yeonjun then brought Beomgyu's face up to his, holding his face in his hands so they could make eye contact.

"Beomie...you okay? Tell me what happened while I was gone." Yeonjun asked quietly. Beomgyu looked at the older, his eyes filling with tears again before he whispered quietly, "A man. An older man f-forced himself onto me- I-I tried to get him off but he brought me here a-and he did stuff to me Junnie h-he- I-" Beomgyu started hyperventilating at this point and brought Beomgyu into his arms again, mortified at the realization of what happened to his best friend.

I'm so sorry Beomie. I'm so so sorry.


Soobin was still in the bedroom he had been left in by Yeonjun. Did he really help the other cheat? He's slept with many people - boys and girls - but he's never helped someone cheat...he thinks? Uncertain guilt pressed down on him like a heavy blanket. He just wanted to go home before he would overthink himself to death.

I need to get out of here.

And with that thought, the blond got up and left the bedroom. The music boomed in his ears 10x louder and the beat made his body shake. It was hard to keep his balance with the way the shots he took were making him tipsy. However, he still pushed through the bodies in the hallway and rooms towards the exit of the mansion. He almost made it to the front door before he felt someone amongst the huge crowd of college kids grab his wrist and yank him in another direction.

He tried to look at who had ahold of him but to no avail. He soon was thrown into the nearest empty room and he fell onto the floor. He looked up at who was in front of him, the moonlight from the window shining and illuminating their face. He froze when he realized he was alone with the male staff again. He shuffled back, still on the ground, towards the door.

"I saw you walk away with another man, did he have fun fucking you? Did you have fun? Because now that you both got your fun it's time for my turn." The older man said while he undid his belt and threw it somewhere else in the room. He then walked forward and yanked the tipsy man off of the floor. He threw the blond onto the bed in the room and forced him onto his stomach. He got on top of the other before proceeding to rip the youngers clothes off.

Soobin was crying and writhing underneath the man. He started crying harder once he felt the other man's hands on his bare skin, tainting him even more than he already was; unwillingly.

"Please no! No! Please! I'm sorry okay?! I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! No!"


Guys!! Txt's comeback was today! Stream their title track 'Deja Vu' and 'Minisode 3: Tomorrow'! It's a truly amazing album and all the boys have worked so hard for us MOAs. Let's continue to support our tubatu!

This chapter was hard for me to write and I hope all of you reading did truly read the intro to this book and understood my warnings coming into this.

I also just finished my first book ever! I hope you all go check it out or have enjoyed it if you've read it!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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