•.Two Kinds of Confessions.•

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Yeonjun and Soobin walked inside the police station. It was apparent that Soobin was much more anxious about the situation they were in.

Yeonjun wished he could hold Soobin but it wasn't appropriate at that time. He could only watch as Soobin walked in front of him, approaching the front desk. He heard the younger let out a shaky breath from behind his mask before he spoke.

"I would like to report a sexual assault."

The words came out in almost a whisper but the effect was huge. This would change everything now that the words were out there. Yet, even though everything just started, both men felt more free.

They'd be okay.


Yeonjun couldn't go into the interrogation room with Soobin, which he understood but was still upset about. His leg shook as he waited in the lobby, not even able to stay still.

Was Soobin going to able to keep it together?

Was the officer being gentle with him?

Were they being nice?

Was Soobin having his own doubts?

His mind was a jumbled mess. It was too much. He didn't want Soobin to be alone right now. He wanted to be there for him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw Soobin come through the door he walked through. He felt a breath escape from him as he saw Soobin shaking, his eyes puffy from crying, the rest of his face covered by his mask.

Yeonjun didn't care anymore if it was risky to do this, he just wanted to comfort his love. He ran over towards the younger, pulling him into a deep hug. He felt pride swell up in his chest as Soobin melted into the hug.

"It's okay. You did the hardest part. You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay. I love you Bin." Yeonjun said as his hands rubbed up and down Soobin's back.

A sniffle came from the blonde before he pulled back, suddenly aware of the PDA they were showing.

"I love you. Let's go home hyung. Please."


If you asked either of the two men, they'd both say that this was the most drained they'd felt in their life. It was such a tiring experience to go through the process of reporting a predator.

Both were glad to just be back in Yeonjun's apartment now, cuddled up on the couch comfortably while watching jujitsu Kaisen. It was a simple moment, skin on skin and eyes fluttering shut from exhaustion.

Soon the pair realized it had been hours. The sun had set, leaving the two in darkness, the only thing illuminating the room was the tv.

"We got through two seasons oh my god." Yeonjun said, in shock. He didn't usually like binge watching shows but he would do anything for Soobin.

Soobin smiled and mirroring Yeonjun's shock before standing up and looking down at his feet. "I guess I should go back to my apartment now... it's kind of late and Jake just got back from Australia."

Yeonjun's heart sank as Soobin stood up, the thought of him leaving filling him with a sudden sense of loneliness. He pushed himself off the couch as well, taking a step closer to the younger.

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