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chapter two


"It fell from the sky."


Meanwhile a sphere had fallen from the sky into a military camp ground. Mi-young's brother Choon-ho, Lieutenant Lee, stood by the sphere as he was intrigued by it. The sphere was surrounded by yellow tape and it was crashed into the ground.

"Why did it fall into our operation grounds among everywhere else in this big land?" One of the soldiers asked.

"But this was the first to fall in the world, apparently." The soldier laughed.

"Are you happy that it's the first?" The other soldier asked.

"I'm sorry."

"Shouldn't we at least camouflage--"

"Hey! What if the camouflage gets damaged? Will you take responsibility?!"

"No, sir."

"Lets just wait for division commander's orders."

"Wow! Company commander!" One of the soldiers exclaimed, as they saw a military truck pull up.

The company commander got out of the truck, as he walked. Suddenly his foot got stuck in the mud.

"Shit! Pull me out!" The company commander ordered.

"Attention! Salute! Loyalty! No injuries or accidents during Duty!" One of the soldiers yelled, causing the company commander to kick him in the leg as he grunted. "You asshole! What's with the false report. I know something is wrong!"

"P-pardon me. There's something wrong during duty? Is there?" The soldier asked the other soldier, nervously.

"Any confirmed information?" The company commander asked.

"Nothing, yet."

"Is it moving?" The company commander asked about the sphere.

"No, it isn't. We only confirmed it falling down."

"Size of the damage?"

"The bean field. Has been demolished where it fell." The soldier explained.

"Why did it fall on the bean field?"

"Alright. What is the action being taking?" Company commander asked.

"Well, I haven't received any orders yet." The soldier explained.

Company commander sighs. "You're seriously frustrating. Hey, let me see that." Company commander grabbed the rifle out from the other soldiers hand. "What's up with this asshole? You hand it over just because I asked for it? A rifle at that?"

"I'm sorry!"

"He's a nutcase how pathetic!"

"Hey! All of you, get out of the way!" The company commander yelled to the other soldiers, as they stepped aside. Company commander pointed the rifle at the sphere, as gun shots were heard. Company commander had shot the sphere, but nothing seemed to happen.

"What the hell?"

"There was no reaction."

"It must be empty inside."

The soldiers were confused, as they whispered to each other about the sphere.

"Hey! Bring me the panzer!" Company commander ordered.

"Did you call for me?" A soldier ran up to company commander, holding the panzer.

"Hey you idiot!" Company commander stepped back as he realized the soldier was pointing the panzer at him.

"Fire." Company commander ordered the soldier to hit the sphere.


"Fire it you punk!"

The soldier kneeled down on one knee as he pointed the panzer at the sphere. Lieutenant Lee went to stop the soldier, but it was to late. The soldier already fired at the sphere making a loud boom, and smoke surrounded it.

Suddenly, screeching can be heard as all the soldiers gasp in freight.


Here's another short chapter <3 next one will be longer.

𝙏𝙊𝙂𝙀𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍,     duty after schoolWhere stories live. Discover now