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Chapter seven |"She's my friend

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Chapter seven |
"She's my friend."

"You'll be given one minute to disassemble and reassemble your firearms." Mi-young's brother explained the new lesson.

"If you fail to do it properly in one minute, you'd be punished."

The class groaned.



"Group one. Commence disassembly and reassembly."

Group one followed the instructions.

"So-yeon do you still think he's cool?" Mi-young heard Ha-Na asked So-yeon, as she sat beside her.

"Yes! He's so cool whatever he does!" So-yeon grinned.

Mi-young glared at So-yeon from beside her, as So-yeon looked away quickly not wanting to get yelled at by Mi-young.

"Get a grip, So-yeon." Mi-young whispered.

"What? Hey! If we date you'll be my sister in law " So-yeon grinned, causing Mi-young to roll her eyes. "In fact. If we have babies--"

Mi-young faked gagged as she held her hand up to quiet So-yeon. "Stop!"

Next it was Mi-young and her groups turn. She was mixed in with Na-Ra, Ae-Seol, Bo-Ra, and Ha-Na.

Mi-young was the first to get it followed be Na-Ra in one second.

The two girls shared smiles as they lift their hands up. Mi-young never had a problem with Na-Ra. In fact, she thought the girl was cool. Mi-young mostly thought of herself in Na-Ra.

Everyone watched Ae-Seol struggle. She was the only one who didn't get it. The class groaned as they now have to stay until she gotten it.

"Ae-Seol! Hurry up!"

"I'm hungry!"

It was getting dark outside, and Ae-Seol still hasn't gotten it yet. Mi-young was feeling bad for her. Mi-young knew Ae-Seol was under pressure and it was making her nervous.

The students groaned as Ae-Seol had dropped it on the floor.

Bo-Ra kicked the back of Ae-Seol's chair as she scoffed.

"Hey, cut her some slack!" Mi-young defended Ae-Seol.

Mi-young's brother stared at his sister before speaking. "Attention." Mi-young's brother caused the students attention as they sat straighter. "In this training site, you don't exist  as an individual. There's only us. However, criticizing your friends mistake and mocking her... If this was an actual situation, you would all be dead already. In that sense, until the one last person succeeds, there's no dinner today."


"Come on!"

Mi-young rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you all try to comfort her instead of bullying her, maybe she'll get it and we can eat!"

Bo-Ra scoffed. "Shut up, will you?"

Mi-young crossed her arms before looking over at Bo-Ra. "excuse me?"

The students looked between Mi-young and Bo-Ra as they gasped.

"You think you know everything just because the platoon leader is your brother."

"Enough." Mi-young's brother ordered causing the girls to look away from one and another.

"Trainee No Ae-Seol." Mi-young's brother stepped forward.



The students finally made it to dinner, but it wasn't much. Some students complained saying it was Ae-Seol's fault. Mi-young didn't care, at least it was better than nothing.

Mi-young was getting her tray when she saw Bo-Ra and Ha-Na messing with Ae-Seol.

Mi-young grabbed her tray and walked over to the table, slamming her tray onto it.

Mi-young sat down next to Ae-Seol as she started to eat her food ignoring the stares from Bo-Ra and Ha-Na.

"What are you doing here?" Bo-Ra asked.

Mi-young looked up. "sitting here and eating with my friend. Is that a crime?"

Ae-Seol shook her head. "Mi-young, you don't have to.... It's my fault really." 

"It's okay." Mi-young reassured. "Everyone makes mistakes. Right, Bo-Ra?"

Bo-Ra didn't answer as Young-Shin sat on the other side of Ae-Seol.

"Stop it, Ae-Seol is eating right now." Young-Shin try to defend Ae-Seol.

"Hey, is this the first time? I wouldn't say anything even if this was the second time. "

"Still, say it after she's done eating."

Mi-young nodded. "I agree. Just leave Ae-Seol alone. She's trying to eat."

"Thanks Mi-young for agreeing with me." Young-Shin said, as he ate his food.

"Are you guys like best friends or something?" Bo-Ra crossed her arms. "And are you her boyfriend?"

"So what if we are? What are you going to do about it?" Mi-young hummed.

"Am I allowed to say this if I'm the boyfriend? Then, I am."

Mi-young can hear the gasps and whispered surrounded them.

"Has they gone mad?"

"Chi-yeol, stop Mi-young before a fight breaks out."

"What is wrong with that idiot?"

Bo-Ra and Ha-Na got up from the seats and walked away.

"Go ahead and eat." Young-Shin reassured Ae-Seol.

"Don't worry about them. You're so much better than them." Mi-young smiled at Ae-Seol, causing Ae-Seol to return the smile.

Authors note;

Here's another short boring chapter. Next one will be tomorrow night <3

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