1st Meeting

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    "Yes master?" You bowed to the man sitting in the chair, making sure not to make eye contact with him.
    "We have guests. Bring me my finest scotch and do be quick about it." He snarled and you quickly fled to the cellar where all of the alcohol is kept. 

    You gathered three glasses, tipping the decanter over and pouring the amber liquid into all three. You fished for the small packet that was kept separate in a hidden compartment. Whenever your master asked for his "finest scotch" he was dealing with "undesirables" as he called them. 

    The packet was filled with powdered arsenic, he had stressed many times that your job was to do the dirty work and poison whoever he deemed a nuisance. You stirred the glasses for the guests making sure to keep them on one side of the tray and your masters untampered glass on the opposite side. Numerous times had you thought of poisoning his glass, but you knew you would be dead by sunrise had you of tried.

    "Y/N! You insolent girl! What were you doing down there? What took you so long?"
    "I-I'm sorry! I-" Slap 

    You held your cheek and bowed to your master and the two guests that sat watching in silence. You had had enough. As you stood up straight you made eye contact with them both and looked back and forth between them and the glasses. They looked at each other and you had hoped that they understood what you were trying to convey to them. 

    You left the room quickly and headed towards your small bedroom. You say bedroom but it was more of a supply closet. Just an empty space with a single blanket and pillow on the floor. You had a few different uniforms scattered about that were in need of washing. You made a mental note to do that when the house was asleep.

    You were startled out of your thoughts as a loud bang echoed through the halls and the walls shook. Out of instinct you rushed to your master's study and found him on his knees on the ground held at gunpoint by the two men you had seen earlier. Your hands flew up to stifle the scream and you were shoved from behind further into the room and pushed into a corner by a man with broad shoulders.

    "Mr. Song. CEO of Song Enterprises and feared crime boss of the underground." You looked towards the new voice and watched as a man bent down in front of your master.

    "What's this about Agust?!" Your master roared and thrashed and just then you realized his hands were bound behind his back.

    "You own me money, Song. I've come to collect. Not only that you tried poisoning my men and put out a bounty on my head." Your master went silent as his eyes fell on your form cowering in the corner.

    "You truly are a useless girl! I should have never adopted you!" The man stood up and snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor next to him. The man who stood next to you grabbed your arm and dragged you to the spot.

    "What's your name?"
    "Y/n sir."
    "22 sir." He snapped his fingers again and the man to his left, handed him a tablet and he began typing and scrolling.

    "Y/n, Y/n ah! Here you are. Y/n l/n, aged 22 born to a woman named Eun Jae. She gave birth in the mental hospital she was admitted to. Father is unknown. You were immediately taken following your birth and placed into an orphanage where 16 years later you were adopted by Song Chul and have lived here since then. Apparently working as a maid instead of playing happy family."

    "Y/n. You alerted my men here that the drinks were tampered with. For that you have Bangtans gratitude." He snapped his fingers again and you were dragged back to the corner you were first shoved in.

    "Now. What should I do with you Song? You purchased drugs, guns and women under the premise that you would pay later.  You then proceeded to put a bounty on my head and tried to escape payment and when my men came to collect, you tried to have them killed. I've killed people for a lot less than that you know? So, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask you politely, where you keep the money or Kook here is gonna put a bullet between your eyes."

    "There's a safe behind the bookcase! the button to open it is under my desk!"
    "Chim, open it." The pink haired man nodded his head and found the button and a door slid open behind me.
    "How much is in there?"
    "Roughly around 300 million more than what I owe you! Don't shoot- Bang

    You screamed as you watched your masters body fall lifeless and blood pooled around his head on the shag carpet.
    "What a cliche. A safe behind a bookcase? How original. Take it all!" Men started rushing about stuffing money into duffel bags. The room was lively with chatter as they took anything and everything worth something.

   "Y/n." Your head snapped to the man your master called Agust.
   "You're free to leave. But if you spill a single word of what happened here, I'll rip those pretty eyes right out of your head. Got it?" You frantically nodded your head.
    "Good. Now leave."

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