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Yoongi POV

    Closing the door quietly I stopped and rested my head against it. With a huff I made my way towards the kitchen. The youngest three were all scrunched together close to the television playing some game. Namjoon sat in his usual seat in the kitchen reading some newspaper, Jin was sitting next to him with a highlighter cap in his mouth reading through and highlighting things in a large cookbook and Hoseok was asleep with his head on the table.

    "Finished or should we be prepared for a noisy night?" Namjoon asked without looking away from what he was reading.
    "Shut up." I plopped down in the seat and rested my head on the table.
    "What's wrong with you? She not good in bed?" I turned my head to the side to see Jimin walking in with a smirk plastered on his face.

    "Watch your mouth, Park." I warned and he held up his hands in defense with a smile. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat.
    "I hurt her." Jin froze and looked at me and recapped his highlighter.
    "What did you do?" Jins voice was accusatory.

    "I just couldn't control myself. When I'm with her my thoughts go out the window. I didn't force her to do anything I swear. But I was too rough with her, and she was bleeding. She claims she's fine and that it isn't my fault because she didn't stop me, but I can't get past the sight if her bleeding because of me." 

    "Ahhh so you went all Dom Agust on her already? Who would have thought the man deemed Koreas most unstable would hate the sight of blood?" Jimin chuckled a bit and leaned forward.
    "If she says she's fine, then believe her."

    "As much as I hate to admit it, Jimin is right. From the sounds coming from your room, she seemed to enjoy every minute of it. She was a virgin two days ago so it's natural for her to bleed after her first real rough session." Namjoon sipped his tea and set down his paper.

    "Yeah! And we all know you have a monster cock so I'm surprised any girl you've slept with could even walk when you were done with them!" Hoseok sat up out of nowhere startling Jimin.
    "Jesus Hope! I thought you were asleep!" Jimin clutched his chest while Hoseok smacked him lightly.

    "Who could sleep through Yoongi Boongi rearranging Y/Ns guts?! She's so vocal holy shit man I thought I was gonna cum just from listening to her!" I glared at Hoseok and Jin threw his highlighter at his head.
    "I'm moving out." I groaned and slammed my head down on the table earning chuckles from the rest of the guys.


    When you woke up, Yoongi was nowhere to be found. For some odd reason this startled you. Your heart sunk at the revelation that everything he said might have been a ruse to get you to open your legs for him. Tears pricked your eyes, and you started hyperventilating. Pulling your knees to your chest you sat staring at the wall letting your tears fall. 

    How could you be so stupid? He's a mob boss. Why would he care about you? A sob escaped your lips just as the door opened slowly. You saw Taehyung poke his head in and smile at you. His smile fell immediately, and he stepped into the room and rushed to you.

    "Noona? What's wrong why are you crying?" You couldn't answer him you just sat wallowing in your pity.
    "Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung yelled and you couldn't choke back the cry at his name. Hurried footsteps echoed through the hallway and Yoongi rushed into the room with his gun out.

    "Shit Tae don't scare me like that I thought something was wrong!" Yoongi slid his gun into the back of the waistband of his pants and huffed out a breath.
    "But hyung, something is wrong." Yoongi looked at Taehyung as he held your hands. 

    You faced away from them staring at the window willing your tears to stop. When you tried to breathe in you hiccupped and your hand flew to cover your mouth to muffle the noise, but it was too late.

    "Tae, give us some privacy." Taehyung nodded his head and patted your hands before getting up and leaving the room. As soon as the door shut Yoongi strode over to you.
    "Look at me." You shook your head like a disobedient child.
    "Y/N look at me." His voice was firm, and you couldn't help but obey.
    "Why are you crying?"

    "Is it because I wasn't here when you woke up?" You nodded your head slowly. He already had you figured out. He exhaled and stood, setting his gun on the nightstand before he sat back down and pulled you into his lap. You straddled him and he crushed your body to his and rocked you both back and forth.

    "I wasn't here because the guys were pestering me. I wanted you to get some rest and I- I was ashamed."
    "Ashamed of me?" He shook his head quickly before pushing you at an arm's length before speaking again.

    "No. Never you. I could never be ashamed of you Y/N. I was ashamed because I hurt you. I know I'm not the kind of guy you would want to introduce to people. I know I'm a monster and I hurt a lot of people. But you are the only person in this world that I don't want to hurt. Hurting you, hurts me too." You wiped your tears and looked into his eyes.

    "What about the rest of the guys? You would hurt them?" You couldn't help but ease the tension. It was your own stupidity that got you into this predicament in the first place. Yoongi let out a chuckle and wiped your cheeks.

    "That's still up for discussion. Sometimes I wanna strangle each and every one of them. But they're my brothers. However, you come first. You are just as much their queen as you are mine. I can live with one of them taking a bullet or two as long as it's minor. But if you so much as get a scratch on you I would walk through hellfire to find whoever hurt you and make them pay." You giggled and hugged him. You both sat like that content for a minute before you spoke.

    "It kind of turns me on, you getting all possessive over me."
    "I think you've had plenty for one night missy. Come on, let's go to sleep. It's getting late." You both laughed a bit as you laid down in each other's arms. Yoongi stroking your hair was quickly lulling you to sleep again.

    "I love you, Y/N."
    "I love you more, Yoongi."

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