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    You sat curled up in a ball on the floor in the corner of the room. Your tears had stopped ages ago and now stained your cheeks as you watched the rain sliding down the window.

    When did it start to rain? What time is it?
    You don't know how long you had been in here, but you had no intention of moving any time soon. You sniffled and wiped your face with your hands and leaned your head on the glass letting the rain portray your mood for you.

    "Y/N?" You jumped and tried to look smaller in hopes he wouldn't notice you in the corner.

    "Hey." Yoongi crouched down in front of you and you brought your knees in closer to your body. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair before taking a seat next to you facing the window. 

You both sat in silence as you watched the rain. You wondered what he wanted. Would he leave soon? You wanted to be alone.

    "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you this morning." His voice was almost a whisper. Almost as if he wasn't used to apologizing.

    "You're different now."
    "What do you mean?" You finally looked at him puzzled as he chuckled.

    "You're more confident. Two years ago, you were a scared girl afraid of upsetting your master. You were so thin and had no life in your eyes. Now you look healthy. Happier but not as happy as you should be. The light is back in your eyes but it's dim." Wordlessly you stared at him. Koreas big and scary crime boss was sitting on the floor watching the rain while talking to you gently. The press would get a kick out of this.

    "Life dealt you a shitty card. Everyone here was dealt that same shitty card. We all came from terrible roots, but it brought us together. I know I do bad things. That we do bad things. But I'm not a bad person. None of us are. We're just giving back what the world threw at us first."

    "Yoongi, you kill people. You sell weapons and drugs and women." He sighed and scooted so he was facing you.
    "One, those women are not being sold. They're being rented. They are all given a choice. None of them are forced to do anything I promise that. If they work under me, they can leave at any time and they keep most of the money. They all have a safe living space as well that I provide them. None of them are homeless or starved. Two, people will buy drugs and weapons regardless so I might as well make a profit and three, do you ever wonder why the police never get to us? The people I've killed are all bad people. People who take advantage of others. People who rob and kidnap and rape. We kill the people you should really be afraid of." You stared at him and took in everything he was saying.

    "What about me?"
    "What about you Y/N?"
    "Would you kill me? Earlier you threatened that you would possibly kill me." Yoongi shook his head before leaning closer.

    "I was in a bad mood and took it out on you. I'm not gonna lie I'm not a morning person. None of us are going to kill you." His fingers twirled a few strands of your hair as you stared at each other.

    "But what if I want to die?" He shook his head again.
    "You can beg and plead all you want but I'll never hurt you."
    "Why not?" You whispered as he inched closer.

    "I could never hurt the person who makes me feel so full of life." He whispered. You were inches apart and you were sure he was going to kiss you but as his lips ghosted above yours, he sighed and leaned back.

    "Jin left some food in the fridge for you. Be sure to eat. You can stay in my room until yours is done. Wear anything of mine, I'll be on the couch if you need me. Get some rest Y/n. You've had a hard couple of days." His thumb stroked your cheek and just like that, he left you alone to your thoughts.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now