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    "Babe, wake up."
    "Y/N, my queen, I need you to wake up now." You felt light kisses along your face and peeked your eyes open to see a smiling Yoongi hovered above you.
    "I could get used to waking up like this." He smirked and sucked on your ear lobe before hopping out of the bed.

    "Wake up sleepyhead. Put this on for me and get ready, I called a meeting this morning to discuss some important things. I want you by my side during things like this from now on. They need to know that you're in charge now as well." Yoongi tossed you a long form fitting navy blue dress that had a slit up the side that reached just below your hip. You nodded your head and began to get ready like he asked.

    "Y/N, if you don't come down those stairs in the next five minutes, I'm coming up there and carrying you out!" I rolled my eyes at Yoongi's playful tone.

    "You're the one who insisted I wear this dress; I have to make sure my makeup is fit for it!" I yelled back as I heard him start counting down the minutes.
    "5, 4, 3, 2-"

    "Woah..." I stepped carefully down the steps in the tall heels Yoongi left with the dress, making sure to use the banister as a safety net should I slip. I snapped my fingers in front of all of the guys trying to earn their attention.

    "Noona... you look- I mean you're- ugh!" Jungkook tried to subtly adjust his dress slacks earning a smack on the head from Yoongi.

    "Keep your eyes to yourself or I'll put a bullet between them! You! Go change I don't want everyone else to see you in this!" Yoongi pointed at me before trying to usher me up the stairs.

    "Yoongi we're already late! You're the one who picked the dress for her. It's not like she won't be glued to your hip anyways." Jin rolled his eyes as he opened the front door and shooing everyone out of the house. Yoongi crossed his arms and muttered something under his breath.

    "Not like we didn't all hear Y/N moaning your name all night long anyways. The marks all over her neck and collarbones are clearly visible to everyone. You seriously couldn't wait till we were out of the house to bang her into oblivion?" Jimin joked causing my cheeks to burn. We all piled into two separate vehicles and sped off somewhere.

    "Where are we?" Yoongi opened the door for me and held out his hand for me to take as I stepped out.
    "Our office. We do most of our official business dealings here. It also gives the ruse that we're an entertainment company and have a reason for our wealth. Money is traceable and with this plus our other companies, nobody suspects any shady dealings. Everyone who works here knows of everything and is bound by trust." Yoongi spoke as we stepped into the building immediately being swarmed by female office workers.

    "Mr. Min! Welcome back!"
    "Mr. Jeon, I've prepared a new case of banana milk in the fridge for you!"
    "Mr. Park, should I send in someone for your private massage?" You scrunched your face in disgust picturing what a 'private massage' would entail. The guys all seemed unbothered by the women hounding them. You walked silently beside Yoongi when a woman stepped in front of you halting everyone's footsteps.

    "Good afternoon, Mr. Min, Bangtan." She smiled flirtatiously as she eyed Yoongi like he was meat.
    "Good afternoon, Veronica. Is everyone here already?" Yoongi spoke monotonously to the girl who seemed oblivious to his uncaring eyes.

    "Yes, sir they're in the conference room waiting for you. Can I get you anything? Anything at all?" Veronica batted her eyelashes as she attempted to subtly push out her boobs more. You heard a few low groans and turned and saw a few eye rolls from the guys. Before Yoongi could speak you butted in, feeling annoyed at the obvious display of flirting despite his arm being wrapped around your waist.

    "We're fine, thanks... Veronica, was it? I'm sure if Yoongi needs anything he can manage on his own." The woman scowled as if she finally noticed you. She looked you up and down before crossing her arms with a smirk.

    "Oh! Mr. Min! Are you doing charity work now? How thoughtful of you!" She giggled like a schoolgirl, and you wanted so badly to hit her.
    "Actually, I'm his girlfriend." She let out a hearty laugh as all of the guys stood watching the scene unfold.
    "You? You're nothing more than a cheap hook up. You're not the first girl and you're definitely not the last one sweetie."

    "Veronica! You would be wise to not insult your new queen." The womans face paled as Yoongis aura became deadly serious. You crossed your arms with a smirk as his grip on your waist tightened. He kissed your temple and proceeded to lead the way past the stunned woman. You gave her a glance over your shoulder and a small winning smile before continuing towards the conference room.

    "You all go in. I wish to speak with Y/N for a moment." You watched as they all obeyed Yoongi's authoritative aura and you were left standing in the empty hall with Yoongi.

    "That was sexy." You chuckled a bit as he attached his lips to your neck and nipped a bit.
    "Don't you have some business to attend to, Mr. Min?" You teased him as he breathed in your scent and groaned.

    "Well now I don't want to." He whined.
    "Well, what do you want to do then?" You played along with his teasing.
    "You." He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine before he pulled away. His playful demeanor switched, and he went serious.

    "When we get in here, don't speak unless I tell you to. I just want you to stand by my side for now and watch how the business is run for now. Don't interfere with that sassy mouth of yours." His thumb rubbed your bottom lip, and you nodded your head.

   "Good. Let's get this over with, seeing you in this dress is driving me insane and I need to get you alone." His hand clasped around your waist as he guided you into the room. It was large and bright and had a long black sleek table going down the center of the room. Around the table sat men in dark clothes. 

    Some looked more formal while others looked like someone sketchy you would see on a street corner somewhere. Along the walls were more men and a few women who stood with clipboards and pens. When Yoongi reached the head of the table all of the men stood. He nodded at Bangtan who stood behind us and sat down. The rest of the men around the table followed suit.
    "Thank you for joining us gentlemen. Let's begin, shall we?" 

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now