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    It had been three days since you started living with Bangtan. You were still quiet around the guys, and you barely left the room. You were sitting on Yoongis bed brushing your hair lost in thought when the door flew open and hit the wall loudly. Startled, you jumped back and braced yourself against the wall. Your fight or flight response choosing flight.

    "That's it! No more hiding in this dark room! You're coming with us!" Jin marched in and grabbed your hand dragging you out of the room and into the living room where all of the guys stood near the front door.

    "Where are we going?" You looked at Yoongi who was staring at your hand in Jins.
    "We're going to the mall." Yoongi subtly pulled you back near him and away from Jin. His hand lingered on your shoulder before his hand ghosted down your back and he finally let go. Everyone piled into the van and off you go to the mall.

    "Pick out some things for your room and some clothes." Yoongi said handing his black card to you and walking off in the direction of a cafe.

    "Isn't he afraid I'll run away?" You looked up at Jungkook and Jimin who just shrugged their shoulders.

    "I mean you could try if you wanted to. You would break our trust and you wouldn't get very far anyways. We have eyes and ears everywhere sweetheart." Namjoon said as he stared off in the distance as if he was analyzing his surroundings. A shiver went up your spine as you nodded your head.

    "Come on noona! Let's go shop!" The two youngest ones dragged you in the direction of a clothing store and you couldn't help but giggle.

    You had been dragged through almost every store in the mall by the youngest two of the group. The others all hung back a little way away watching you or their surroundings. Looking at them they didn't look that out of place. Everyone was in casual clothes and if you didn't know who they were you would just assume they were a group of friends hanging out at the mall. 

    You stopped in front of a store that had mannequins in the front window all wearing pleated skirts and knee-high socks. You had always wanted to wear something like that, but your confidence was low. Your legs were covered in scars from the beatings you took while working under Song.

    "You should go in there." Taehyungs deep voice scared you. You turned to see him with his head tilted a bit to the side and staring at a mannequin.

    "I don't think I have the body to wear something like that. It is cute though." You chuckled and started to walk a different way before Hoseok grabbed your hand and dragged you into the store. 

    He shoved you into the dressing room as him and Taehyung threw various clothes through the gap at the top of the door. Giggling you decided to humor them and try some on. You ended up finding one you liked. It was a pink and white pleated tennis skirt. It wasn't too tight on your hips, and it flowed nicely. Creaking open the dressing room door, you poked your head out and spotted Taehyung staring at a poster on the wall.

    "Psst! Tae..." His head perked up at the sound of his nickname and he trotted over to you.
    "I feel silly in this." The male eyed you up and down before snapping his fingers and running off. A few seconds later he emerged with a few more clothing items and wordlessly shoved them into your arms and pushed you back into the dressing room.

    "I guess he wants me to try these on too." You obliged and put on the pieces he handed you. A pair of white thigh highs and a light pink crop top. They were perfect paired with the skirt and the socks covered up your scars.

    You stepped out of the small room summoning all of your courage. Taehyung and Hoseok had been trying on hats when they heard the door open.

    "Whoa..." Hoseok dropped the pair of sunglasses he was holding as Taehyung gave you a thumbs up.

    "You need shoes to match! You should wear this the rest of the day and get out of Yoongis baggy clothes! Here, let me get the tags and I'll go pay since I picked it out!" Taehyung shuffled you over to the bench and told Hoseok to get you shoes. 

    He saluted him with a smile and ran off while Tae tore all of the tags off the clothes you had on and rushed to the front counter. You sat on the bench humming to yourself surprised at how well the day was going.

    "Are you here alone?" You looked up to see a man towering over your sitting figure.
    "Ahh no. I'm here with my... friends." You hesitated to call them that but settled on the word seeing as you couldn't tell anyone you were kind of kidnapped by a gang. 

    The male sat down a little too close to you and you tried to subtly scoot away and pull your skirt a bit lower.
    "I've never seen you around here. We should get some lunch together sometime." He leaned in and you tried to suppress the gag at the smell of his breath. It smelt like cigarettes, and you hated it.

    "No thank you. I'm not interested sir." You tried to turn him down politely and looked around to see any sign of the guys.

    "Oh, come on. You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"
    "She does actually." The man stood up and smirked at the new voice behind you.

    "If you're her boyfriend then where have you been while she was sitting here alone? She said she was with friends." He crossed his arms as Yoongi kept a bored expression. He held up a pair of white sneakers and pointed to them.

    "I was getting her shoes to go along with her new outfit." Yoongi walked around the bench and bent down to slip the shoes on your feet making sure the strings were tied properly before helping you stand up. His hand immediately went to your waist and pulled you closer to his side as the stranger looked between you two.

    "You should be with a real man beautiful. I can give you much better stuff than this." He gestured to the clothes you were wearing, and you felt your temper flaring.

    "For your information I'm not enticed by money. I'm not some object that can be bought! I have feelings and I feel like being with you would be more boring than listening to someone recite the dictionary. I don't need some small dicked egotistical narcissist who has nothing better to offer than half assed sex and unwanted comments." You didn't realize you had stepped forward, so you were inches from the stranger. 

    Immediately embarrassment washed over you and you took two steps back. The stranger stood wide eyed and mouth agape at your rant.
    "You heard the lady." Yoongi threw his arm over your shoulders with a lopsided smirk as he led the two of you out of the store and towards the rest of the guys who were seated at a table at a nearby cafe.

    "Where did that come from?" He stopped about halfway to the guys and turned you to face him.
    "I-I don't know. I just felt so angry and it just kinda spilled out." You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and looked down at your new shoes. 

Yoongi put a finger under your chin and titled your head up, so you were looking him in the eyes.
   "That was the hottest thing I've seen you do so far." Your cheeks flushed and you felt like you were on fire. Yoongi chuckled as he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb before letting you go and continuing his walk to the rest of the gang.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now