Back with Bangtan

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"Let her go Agust!" Han's voice echos and you instinctively look at each member of Bangtan to make sure he didn't actually shoot any of them, scolding yourself for still caring about them.
"Do I know you?" Han's face reddens at Yoongis question.

"You killed my mother."
"I haven't killed many women in my life, but all tried to kill me first."
"She was innocent."

"Then I didn't kill her. I may be an asshole but I'm not a monster, despite what everyone thinks of me." Yoongi glances back at you when he says this. You may not have been with Bangtan for long, but you had learned to pick up on signals. Yoongi was telling the truth. So now the question is, who actually killed her?

"Han! Go get the rest of the guys! I can hold them off!"

"Now!" Han looks at you and the rest of the guys. He knows he's outnumbered and if he tries to be stupid and shoot one of them, he won't live to see tomorrow. Once he's gone your body relaxes. Everything is silent,

"Are you all just going to stand there like idiots or are we leaving?" You can't help the irritation in your voice. You're confused and the guilt in your heart burns. 

Namjoon senses that you won't struggle and lets you go but still makes sure to take the gun on your hip before ushering everyone into the van.

"Don't go back to your house. They know the location." Jin nods in the driver's seat. Reaching down your dress you pull out a knife from between your breasts and flick it open.

"Hyung she's got a knife!"
"Shut up Tae. I'm not trying to hurt you." You roll your eyes at the man and press the blade to the back of your neck. Blood trickles from your neck to your throat and down your dress.

"They put a tracker in me before we left for the mission. Fortunately, it's still fresh so I'm able to dig it out." You tuck the knife back away and hold up a small silver piece of metal with wires attached to it, you throw it out the window before ripping the edge of your dress and pressing it onto your bleeding wound. The rest of the ride is silent as you make your way to wherever Jin is taking everyone.

"Straight to the meeting room." Everyone nods at their leader. You watch as Yoongi walks straight past you and into the cabin. You were surrounded by trees, you had to be at least two hours from the city. You definitely weren't still in Seoul. 

Following the guys, you look around at your surroundings. It had been a while since you had been away from the city. This was the type of place you would love to settle down at. The interior was modern unlike the rustic exterior, and it was a bit disappointing to see such a homey place ruined by so much technology and lavish furniture.

The meeting room was large but simple. As simple as a mafia could be. Screens covered the back wall, a long table situated in the middle of the room surrounded by chairs was the only furniture.

"Care to explain?" Yoongi's voice at the head of the table grabbed your attention from the room.
"You have a rat in your security." You kept your eyes on the screens behind you while you spoke. They showed surveillance video from the main house. The one that stood out was Yoongis bedroom. Something about it was off. 

"And you expect us to believe you?"
"Believe me, don't believe me. Your choice." Murmurs around the table flowed through the room as you stood to get a closer look at the video footage.

Yoongis room. It was easily missed by anyone else, but you had seen the room so much that you could tell the difference. There on the dresser against the wall, was a picture frame. It was small and simple, and it was barely visible due to it being at the end of the dresser, it was almost out of frame from the camera.

"How long had this been sitting here?" You tapped the screen where the frame sat.
"Hoseok hyung had that made. It's been there since... since you went missing. It was supposed to cheer hyung up, but it didn't really work." Sighing, you slumped back down into your seat at the opposite end of the table.

"My patience is growing thin." Namjoon rubbed his temples and closed his eyes.

"Someone on your security team is feeding surveillance footage to Strays. I'm assuming someone there spliced and edited old footage and new footage to make it seem like none of you cared that I was missing. The footage I saw was old but with newer audio and footage mixed in. The issue is whoever reviewed the new footage forgot to take into account small details. That picture frame is missing from the footage they forced me to watch for days on end." You nodded towards the screen, and everyone looked at it. It was silent until Namjoon spoke up.

"That would explain how they knew where we were when they issued the hit on us. Jimin, Kook and Tae, go review the spare cameras and get me footage of the past few months, pay extra attention to the security room. Hoseok, go run background checks on all our security and hired help. Jin and I will go get grocery's, seems like we'll be here a while." 

At Namjoons words, everyone sprang into action. You didn't miss the way he patted Yoongi on the back and whispered something into his ear. Yoongi just stared and watched everyone leave the room. Tension blanketed you as his eyes fell on your slumped form.

"Follow me." You let out a breath as he exited the room. With one final glance to the screens, you followed him practicing in your head how to apologize.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now