Attack on Bangtan

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    You were woken up to alarms blaring throughout the house. Confused you tried not to think about how you ended up in your bed. Your door swung open smacking the wall loudly as Yoongi rushed in and pulled you out of the bed.

    "We're under attack." A gun was clasped in one hand as his other held your arm firmly as he tugged you to his office. He flipped a switch under the bar and a small crawlspace slid open. He shoved you inside and crouched down so he was eye level.

     "Stay here. We'll handle it."
    "But I want to help Yoongi!" He shook his head no and stood back up.
    "You'll just get in the way. Don't move, me or one of the guys will come get you when it's over." The door slid closed, and you heard his footsteps quickly fade away. Anger boiled in you. You wanted to help but he thought you were useless. Deciding it better to do as your told, they were used to this, you hugged your knees to your chest in the dark space listening to the sounds of alarms. 

    After about ten minutes the alarms stopped. It was eerily silent through the house and something about the silence made your stomach twist. You sat listening and nobody came. No footsteps or voices or even gunshots were heard.

    Somethings wrong.

    You decided to help and hope you didn't make matters worse for them. You slid open the small door and listened to your surroundings before peeking your head out and surveying the room. The door was closed, and it didn't look like anyone had come in. Slowly you stood and pressed your ear to the door. You could hear a few muffled voices and what sounded like doors being shoved open and things being thrown and broken. 

    You looked around the room for a weapon, pulling open the drawers of Yoongis desk you thanked that he was overly prepared for the worst. Tucking a pistol in the back waistband of your pants you made sure it was hidden with your shirt and slid a serrated knife in the sleeve of your long sleeve shirt.

    The voices outside of the room crept closer as you pressed your body flush against the wall behind where the door would open. Secretly the guys had all been training you to help lead the mafia, Yoongi was apparently the only one who didn't seem to think you were of any use. You were going to prove him wrong. The door flung open just barely missing you and blowing your cover. 

    "Office is clear!" The man in the doorway yelled down the hall.
    "Check for any valuables or information." Another voice echoed down the hall before a man stepped inside the room. He surveyed the room before approaching the bar to the right of the room. 

    While the man was busy sifting through Yoongis selection of whiskey, you snuck up behind him and shoved the knife into his spinal cord and twisted it. The cracking sound make you want to vomit but you had to help, the guys were obviously in trouble. The man gasped for air once before slumping over. You guided his limp body to the floor quietly as not to alarm anyone else. Checking his pulse, you realized he was still alive. 

    Whatever you did though had knocked him unconscious. You grabbed his rifle and unloaded it shoving the bullets into the crawlspace you had come from and shut the door so they couldn't be found before standing and preparing yourself for whatever was beyond the threshold of the door.

    Creeping into the hallway slowly you looked back and forth before making your way towards the stairs. The rooms had all been ransacked and destroyed and there was no sign of the guys yet. You stopped at the top of the stairs and listened trying to keep your breathing under control.
    "Where is the girl, Agust?" No answer. A whack echoed through the living room followed by a groan.

    "I'm tired of playing this game, I know she's here. Bangtan would never let their personal whore out of sight. I'll ask one more time." Slowly you descended the stairs hoping that you don't slip, or a stair doesn't creak. A man stood in front of Bangtan all crouched on their knees. Six men standing behind all of them except Yoongi held the guys at gun point. You stopped towards the bottoms of the stairs, still concealed in the dark and took a few deep breaths.

    "Where is she?!" The man yelled before cocking back his gun and holding it to Yoongis forehead. As you inched forward you made eye contact with Jungkook who sat on his knees on the end. He had a busted lip and a black eye forming, he must have tried to fight them off.

    "I'm right here." As soon as the man turned towards you, you threw the knife. It struck one of his men right in his stomach. The guys used the distraction to overpower them. Hoseok jumped up and gripped the knife protruding from the man's stomach and twisted it and quickly dragged it through his stomach, slicing him open. The rest of the guys began fighting as the man glared at you before breaking into a wide grin.

    "Good effort." A hand gripped your throat and you felt cold steel placed against your temple.
    "That's enough Agust. You wouldn't want your precious queen to get hurt now, would you?" The guys all stopped fighting and looked up towards you. Each one had anger written across their face. The man holding you walked you closer to the one calling the shots.

    "You really are a pretty thing aren't you." He ran a finger down your cheek with a sick smile.
    "I was planning on just killing you, but I think I'll keep you for a bit. We can have some fun." 
    "Get your fucking hands off of her." Yoongis voice was dark and hollow, almost unrecognizable.

    "Now why would I do that?" He turned towards Yoongi and smiled. The two stared each other down before Yoongi smiled. It was terrifying as he started to laugh.
    "Because I think you greatly underestimated us." All of Bangtan quickly dropped to the floor and gunshots shot through the windows. The man holding you was shot through the head, and you fell to the floor gasping for air. Chaos ensued and all you could see was dust and debris flying everywhere. When the sounds finally stopped and the air began clearing, Bangtan were all safe. Bodies littered the floor, but none were Yoongis men.

    "Fuck, he got away!" Jungkook punched the wall and Taehyung walked over to pat his back. You stood up and made eye contact with Yoongi. He let out a breath and rushed forward pulling you against him.

    "Why didn't you fucking listen to me?! You should have stayed hidden! You could have died!  Why are you so stupid Y/N?!" Yoongi gripped your face and feverishly kissed you. His tone wasn't angry contrasting his words. He seemed scared. 

    "I wanted to help. I didn't want something to happen to you all." Tears streamed down your face as Yoongi hugged you. 
    "Hmm?" He pulled back to look at your face. You had gone pale and were no longer smiling.
    "I'm cold." Was all you could say before you went limp in his arms.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now