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Yoongi POV

"Y/N?" I felt her body go limp in my arms, I pulled back and seen a pool of blood beneath Y/Ns feet.
"Y/N!" Jin rushed over and pulled her body away from me. I fought against him before Jungkook and Namjoon helped restrain me.

"She's been shot. Jimin help me get her to the operating room!" Jin and Jimin rushed down the hall away from us.
"Let me go!" I fought against the guys holding me back causing Jungkook to grip me tighter.

"Calm down! You can't help her if you're in hysterics!" I stared at Namjoon before nodding my head. I took a few deep breaths before they let go of me and we all followed down the same hall Jimin and Jin disappeared down.

The operating room was our own mini hospital. All of us had a bit of medical training for minor things but Jin had gone to school and graduated with a degree in medicine. Jin could handle us for the most part without having to alert hospital staff. I watched in the doorway as Jin took a pair of scissors and cut off your clothes. I tried to keep my jealousy under control since I knew he had to figure out where the bleeding was coming from.

"She was shot in her left side. I'm going to have to do an Xray to make sure it stopped and didn't puncture her intestines or stomach." Jimin stepped back as Jin pulled a machine attached to the wall towards her lifeless body. Jimin finished hooking up an IV needle and waited for Jin to finish the X-ray.

"Nothing punctured. The bullet curved up and hit her ribcage. Her bottom left rib is cracked but other than that no serious internal damage." Jimin stuck a bunch of monitors all over her body and a beeping noise echoed through the room. It was slow but it was a sign she was alive.

"She lost a lot of blood. Jimin hang a blood bag and start the transfusion. I have to dig the bullet out." Jin starts working on fishing for the bullet as her heart rate starts to spike. A string of curses leaves Jins mouth before he finally pulls away and drops the crushed bullet in a petri dish off to the side. Before he can start stitching, she flatlines.

"Y/N!" I don't get the chance to run to her as Jungkook is already pulling me away and down the hall.

"Hyung just stay here. Y/N noona will be fine, Jin hyung knows what he's doing." Jungkooks voice is weak, and tears are running down his face as he tried to reassure me that everything will be okay. I don't think he believes she'll be okay, but the kid tries to stay strong regardless. I nod my head and slump down on the floor. I can still hear the noise of the monitor and deciding, I can't take it anymore I head upstairs to your room where it's quiet.

Three hours pass by. I haven't moved from my spot on your bed. It smells like her and despite the situation it's calming. A knock on the door has me sitting up right immediately. Namjoon steps in and smiles lightly.

"She's okay." He breathes out and I rush down the stairs to the operating room. She's still unconscious but the monitor is beeping steadily, and she's regained some of her color.

"She's fine. She should wake up in a day or two but she's going to perfectly fine." Jin checks her vitals one last time before leaving the room. He pats my shoulder once with a smile before all of the guys leave me and her alone.

I stood still in place till I heard their footsteps fade down the hall before finally taking slow steps to her. I grab her hand and hold it. She's cold and her pulse seems weak. Droplets hit our entwined hands and I touch my cheek and realize I'm crying. For the first time in a very long time I'm crying.

You didn't know what was happening. You were standing in an endless black void. Void of color, void of light, void of sound.

"Hello?" Your voice echoed off in the distance. Shivering you took a step forward only to feel your foot fall through the air. Suddenly you were falling, or floating, you couldn't tell.

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