Damnit Hoseok

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    What the fuck? Before you even opened your eyes you felt a throbbing pain in your head. I'll never drink again. You turn over and bury your head in your pillow. The scent relaxing you and causing you to drift back to sleep.

    "Y/N? Wake up babygirl." Your eyes shot open, and you sat up regretting it immediately.
    "What happened?" You croaked as Yoongi handed you two pills and a glass of water. You eyed the pills in your hand before your eyes shifted to Yoongi. He rolled his eyes and took one out your palm and swallowed it.

    "I'm not going to drug you Y/N, I'm not a monster." You mumbled a sorry and took the pill and chugged the water.
    "Am I in your bed?" You looked around the room realizing it was Yoongis.

    "You were trying reallyyyy hard to get in my pants last night." He smirked and leaned towards you. Your face flushed and before you could jump up he pinned you down to the bed. His strong grip holding your wrists above your head and his knee made its way between your legs.

    "Had you have been sober I would have gladly taken you but like I said, I'm not a monster despite what you may think about me. However you're sober now so tell me babygirl, do you still want me?" He leaned down and whispered the last question as his hooded eyes stared into yours. Your body reacted before your mind and you nodded your head and that was all it took for Yoongi to crash his lips to yours not caring that neither of you have freshened up since last night. 

    He gripped your wrists with one hand as his other made its way slowly down your side. Just then you realized both of you were still in your clothes from last night. Yoongis mouth detached from yours but quickly reattached to your neck slowly making its way down and towards your cleavage. His mouth went back up before nipping at your ear lobe and sucking on a spot just below your jaw line. You moaned involuntarily and tried to cover it, but Yoongis grip tightened on your wrists.

    "Uh uh. That was the hottest thing I've ever heard don't try to hide it." He sat up letting your wrists go and stripping his shirt off. Your skin felt hot at the sight of his pale skin. He had a few tattoos scattered about and a few scars here and there. Your finger tips traced down the snake tattoo that started on the side of his neck and made its way down to his chest. You felt him shudder and you liked that you had an effect on him. Just as you were about to trace over a large scar on his abdomen his hand shot out and gripped yours.

    "Don't." He sounded serious and his eyes had darkened. He kissed your hand as he moved so he was between your legs.
    "Has anyone ever told you how delicious you look first thing in the morning?" He trailed kisses up your arm and stopped at your shoulder and lightly bit down making you moan.

    "That's right, nobody has ever seen you such a mess. Cheeks flushed and panting. I get the honor of being the first to stir up these feelings within you right?" You nodded your head. Yoongi began to slide your dress up, so it was around your waist, shy, you tried to close your legs, but he pushed them back open.

    "Don't be shy." He whispered as his fingers trailed up your thigh to your center. His fingers slid past the thin material of your underwear before you felt a shock shoot through your body. His fingers slowly rubbed circles on your heat and just as you began moaning the door flung open hitting the wall causing you to jump.

    "What the fuck Hoseok?!" Yoongi quickly threw the blanket over you to hide your body from his friends sight.
    "Sorry!" The male covered his eyes with his hands and turned around at the same time.

    "Maybe knocking next time would be a good idea!" Yoongi sat at the edge of the bed listening to Hoseok profusely apologize.
    "Well what is it?! You came in here almost breaking the damn door for a reason!" He was aggravated.
    "The kid won't talk."

    "Shit, I forgot about that dick. I'll be there in a second. Gather the guys and meet me in the basement." Yoongi stood up and threw on a black t-shirt.
    "The basement?" You sat up and questioned.

    "A place we take people when we want information. Not a pretty sight. I'll be back babygirl. Go take a shower and relax. Jin will bring your breakfast soon." He kissed your forehead and quickly left the room shutting the door behind him. You fingers rubbed the spot he had kissed and your heart fluttered. In that moment you really something important.

You were falling in love with a mafia boss.

Note: A shorter chapter to counteract that long ass last chapter. 

~Author Ina, stuck in lala land ☁

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