Bangtan meet Strays

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The entire ride to wherever was quiet. It struck you as odd that Duri hadn't attempted to touch you or speak to you despite him looking as if he wanted to tear your dress off earlier. The car slowed to a stop, and you squinted out the window. 

The tint was too dark and paired with the night sky it was impossible to see out of. Duri pulled out his phone and said something into it. Panic began filling you. This was a trap. The moment that thought went through your mind your door opened and a hand yanked you out.

"Han?" His arms wrapped around you in a hug that knocked the breath out of you.
"We have to go before Bangtan shows up and takes you again." Han started pulling you towards a blacked-out car that sat a few feet away.

"Han, wait!" You yanked your arm back and he turned to look at you a confused look on his face.
"Bangtan is my home. I can't go with you."
"They're brainwashing you Y/N."

"No. Yoongi told me something interesting. When they got me back, I had confronted them about supposedly killing your mother. Yoongi was genuinely pissed that I would accuse him of doing something so terrible as killing an innocent woman." Han rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest.
"Of course he would say that. He doesn't want to admit that he's a monster."

"You're not listening to me! When you showed up and tried to keep them from taking me, they were all confused as to who you were. None of them had ever heard of anyone in Strays with the exception of your father. None of them even knew that Don Ji had a wife or a child. I'm telling you; something is off about this whole thing."

Han stood there staring at you with furrowed brows. You knew he was playing over the situation in his head but before he had enough time to think, a flurry of cars rushed towards you both and circled you before stopping. You knew it was Bangtan and you took a protective step towards Han. You knew Yoongi would give the order to shoot him and you needed them all to rethink this entire situation. 

"Y/N. As much as I love you, right now you're tip toeing the line of betrayal. Step away from him."
"Wait! Something isn't right! We need to talk about this entire situation!" Namjoon took a step towards you, and you immediately pulled your gun from under your dress and pointed it at him.
"Can you idiots stop for two minutes and let me fucking explain before you all jump to conclusions and start killing each other?!"

"Two minutes. Speak." Yoongis voice was curt, and you knew you were in trouble.
"Han believes you killed his mother due to the rivalry with Don Ji. You said you weren't even aware of Ji having a wife or a child. I have been told by multiple people that the rules in the mafia world are strict. Killing innocent family members of rivals is death sentence worthy. You all respect the boundaries of family and loved ones and I know for a fact Bangtan would not cross that line. So, the question is who killed Han's mother and why?" You looked towards Yoongi as he lowered his gun. The rest of Bangtan lowered there's and just as you were about to speak again, more cars came rushing towards the clearing.

"It's the rest of Strays minus my dad. I'll tell them to stand down." Han's voice sounded lost, but you nodded and stepped towards Yoongi as Strays all unloaded from the car with guns drawn.
"Stand down! Bangtan is not a threat!" They all immediately listened though they looked confused. You stepped towards the guys that you missed. They made your time there less hellish.

"Y/N! You sexy bitch come here!" You jumped into Changbins arms and gave him a big hug. A shot rang out and grazed past you and you immediately knew what it was about.
"Yoongi!" You let go of your friend and marched towards him.

"You know damn well I don't fucking like other men touching what's mine!" Yoongis arms gripped your waist pulling you forward in a protective manner before turning back to their rivals.
"Bangtan meet Strays, Strays meet Bangtan." You rolled your eyes as they all simply glared at each other.

"So, here's my theory. Han, you said before that you had received a phone call to head to your father's office before your mother was killed. Was the number private?" He shook his head, and you felt a tinge of frustration shooting through you.

"Did you ever attempt to trace the call?" Han paused and you knew the answer.
"Fucking idiots, I'm surrounded by them. Give me your phone." Han slowly handed over your phone and you heard Jungkook giggle when you snatched it.

"Jimin work your magic." Jimin saluted you before rushing to one of the cars. He hit a button on the dashboard and a computer slowly whirred out of a slot. Han talked with Jimin to give exact details of the date and time he recieved the phone call while Bangtan and Strays slowly introduced each other. They all seemed to get along minus Yoongi.

"Got it! The phone call came from a cell phone. The registered owner of the phone at that time lives here. You would think they would be smart enough to use a burner but this is why Bangtan is number 1. Everyone else are idiots playing mafia." Jimin handed a sticky note over to Han who read it over before handing it to Yoongi.

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go pay this guy a visit."

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now