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"Who gives a shit. We're not together anymore so I don't see why I need to tiptoe around his feelings. I didn't say or do anything wrong so whatever his problem is, leave me out of it." 

Your voice was harsh towards the members that had come to check on you. It had been two hours since Yoongi stormed out of the gym, and you used the anger he caused to train. You had downed five bottles of water and successfully sweated all of it out. 

Your body screamed for a break but now you were used to tuning out the pain and continuing on. Strays don had drilled into your head that if you stopped, there would be consequences and right now you wanted nothing more than to use the training he forced onto you to bring him to his knees.

"Y/n! That's enough!" Namjoons booming voice had been your limit. You let your arms fall to your side, blood trickled down the punching bag where you had continuously beat your fists into it. You ran your tongue along your cheek and turned to him. He stood with his arms crossed and his 'leader' stare locked onto you. Scoffing you walked over to him.

"What Namjoon? Mad because I'm not the same quiet girl before I was kidnapped? Am I hurting the poor second in commands feelings? I'm tired. I'm tired of being beaten. I'm tired of being pushed around and used. I'm tired of this mafia bullshit and I'm tired of all of you thinking you're better than me just because you've been in this game longer." You were now eye to eye with Namjoon, although you had to look up to keep eye contact. His ears were red, and you knew he was angry.

"I know you're hurt. We all do. We all know you're just putting up a front. You're still the same sweet girl we knew before. Yes, you can handle yourself now but that doesn't excuse you for being a dick to the younger ones." Jin had spoken up in Namjoon's place.

"Hey Jin? Do me a huge favor and fuck off." The words had barely escaped your mouth when you were slammed to the concrete. The air left your lungs quick, and you couldn't seem to remember how to get it back. Namjoon was straddling your chest on the ground and had a hand around your throat. He didn't apply enough pressure to hurt you further, just enough to get his point across.

"I'm gonna let you go. When I do you will apologize to everyone and keep your mouth shut for the time being. I don't tolerate this from the rest of the members. You are not special Y/N." His voice was low and dangerous. His grip let off your throat and you choked in air curling up into a ball when he got off of you. Sputtering and trying to take in as much air as you could you attempted to stand.

"No different from the rest of em. All use violence to get your point across." Namjoon turned around to say one more thing but stopped at the blood running down your nose. You touched it and pulled away to look at your hand. You looked up towards the guys all standing around you and then collapsed back to the floor.

Yoongi POV
"She has three fractured ribs and some of the blood vessels in her nose burst due to the severe concussion she has that hasn't been allowed to heal."
"I did that?" The doctor shook his head as he looked over his charts.

"No, her ribs look as though they've been broken for a while, and she has multiple fractures to her skull as if she was beaten repeatedly and never given proper treatment. You were just the catalyst. When she hit the concrete, she hit her ribs and skull hard enough to dislodge some parts that were healing and basically re break everything that had begun to heal. She needs rest and lots of it. No exercise, no strenuous activity, no heavy lifting, and she needs to try to stay off her feet as much as possible. There's a possibility that more hits to the ribs can cause them to puncture something vital and if that happens, she could die. Watch her and make sure she rests." Everyone nodded at the doctor before he left the room.

"Namjoon, you know I respect your decisions. You're in charge whenever I am not around but we just got her back and then you pull this. I understand she was being disrespectful, but we never had the chance to have her examined before she did anything. You know I'm pissed but I understand. But you should understand that this was still a bad judgment call on your part."

 Namjoon nodded his head at his leader looking back to your bed. Yoongi sat in a chair next to your bed side. The doctor said you could wake up at any moment.

"We all assumed it was an easy switch for her. We all should have known that she didn't give in so quickly. There's no telling how much they tortured her."

"We were all so focused on the betrayal part that we failed to make sure she was mentally okay, which is probably the reason she lashed out."

"She was waiting on one of us to show that we care and when it never came, she gave up." I sat listening to each of the guys but stayed quiet, watching the bed for any signs of Y/N waking up.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now